September 2018 Recipients
No 19 (Auckland) Squadron Air Training Corps
The No. 19 Squadron Air Training Corps provides training to those wanting to become cadets, offering courses on everything from firearms and navigation to pilot training. It received $6,594.12 to purchase UHF and VHF portable radios to be used for back country training, in case of an emergency. The radios are crucial while training to ensure the cadets can respond to an emergency in areas with poor phone coverage. The cadets are trained to operate the radios, allowing them to communicate effectively with base camp, emergency services and each other while out on training missions such a as tramping and bush camps.

September 2018 Recipients
Marist Primary
Each year Marist Primary is part of the Eden Albert Cultural Festival, giving children the opportunity to build confidence, character and stamina through the learning, creating, practicing and then performing for parents and the larger community. The Mt Albert based primary received $239.40 to purchase poi for its students to use while performing to the local community. The festival not only gives children the chance to share a piece of their own culture and that of their parents, but it is also a way for children within their own schools to participate in cultural performances from different countries, helping to build a strong community of understanding, appreciation and respect for the diverse range of people in Auckland.

September 2018 Recipients
Howick Sea Scouts
Every year SCOUTS New Zealand helps 16,000 young people across the country enjoy new adventures from experiencing the outdoors to interacting with others, helping them gain confidence and reach their full potential. The Association received $5,165.22 to purchase a new trailer for its boat, Cutter 82. The trailer will be used to keep the boat active and continue to give youth the opportunity to experience the water. The upgrade is part of the Associations goal of upgrading its ageing boat fleet to comply with the new Health & Safety requirements.

September 2018 Recipients
Ethan Frantz
11-year-old Ethan Frantz was diagnosed with a development delay after his teacher and family noticed he was having difficulty listening. His cognitive assessment places him in the range of having an intellectual disability and he is currently functioning well below expected levels for his age for reading, writing and mathematics. He received $5,652.78 to purchase remote microphone hearing aids that will greatly help his learning. The hearing aids will provide immediate benefit by mildly amplifying the voice of the speaker, making it easier for Ethan to listen in challenging environments and to follow complex information such as lengthy instructions. This will enable Ethan to hear his teachers consistently and easily which will allow him to free up cognitive function to concentrate on learning tasks.

September 2018 Recipients
Child Abuse Prevention Foundation
The Child Abuse Prevention Foundation has received $10,000 to buy and gift wrap Christmas presents for 1000 children in need. With Santa’s help, the gifts will be delivered to day-cares and schools in Otara. The Child Abuse Prevention Foundation is a group of volunteers working together to inspire the children of Otara that they can achieve anything they put their minds to. The volunteers are on a mission to work together as a community to bring a festive atmosphere to children.

September 2018 Recipients
TYLA Trust
The TYLA Trust, based in Otara, received $3,005 to purchase plants and equipment to make an organic garden. TYLA works within local communities across the country, to deliver tailor-made programmes that help inspire at risk youth to turn their lives around. Established in 1996, the Trust works to reduce the number of young offenders in New Zealand by providing support and choices to the young people at risk of offending.

September 2018 Recipients
The Touch Compass Trust Dance Board
The Touch Compass Trust Dance Board challenges perceptions about what performance is and who can do it, creating experiences for audiences, and for disabled and non-disabled performers since 1997. The organisation received $700 for its Tempo Adventure Camp in December 2018, which will allow dancers and local community members to participate in dance classes. The organisation operates a number of performances by disabled and non-disabled performers for the community. These events and performances are held in theatres, schools and other locations such as art galleries and festivals.

September 2018 Recipients
Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust
The Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust received $9,165.10 to purchase new boogie boards, masks, snorkels, and photography equipment for their Auckland based, Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) programme. EMR is a programme that teaches marine education in the community through experiential learning, namely by taking tamariki and whanau out in the ocean to snorkel. Since 2002, the Trust has taken 63,604 people snorkelling from the Far North down to Otago. Photo credit, Darryl Torckler

September 2018 Recipients
Massey Matters Incorporated
Massey Matters Incorporated received $956.87 to transform underutilised public gardens and spaces into edible and medicinal gardens for the community to tend to, learn, harvest, and cook from. Massey Matters is a Community Development Organisation that is working for Massey to make it a thriving place to live, work, play and grow for everyone in the community.

September 2018 Recipients
Barnados New Zealand Incorporated
Barnados is New Zealand’s leading children’s charity that works to provide social support services to vulnerable children and families and early leaning childcare to under 5s. It received $3,324.55 to improve the learning environment at the Cranwell Park Early Learning Centre in Henderson. The funds will be used to purchase puzzles and other resources that will encourage the children’s learning and development.

September 2018 Recipients
St Mary’s College Board of Trustees
St Mary’s College received $391.30 to purchase a lacrosse goal to be used by its seven lacrosse teams. St Mary’s has over 80 students who love to play lacrosse, and now the college will be able to support them in their chosen activity.

September 2018 Recipients
Surf Life Saving Northern Region Incorporated
Surf Life Saving Northern Region Incorporated received $2,506 to purchase a satellite phone for one of its surf rescue vehicles, allowing the Duty Officer to communicate with the Surf Incident Management Team and other emergency services. Surf Life Saving Northern Region is the largest of the Surf Life Saving regions in New Zealand, covering Auckland to the Far North, and as far south as Raglan. In the last year Lifeguards across the Northern Region have completed 299 rescues, 881 first aid treatments, and 98,628 safety interventions.

September 2018 Recipients
Toby Wilson
The Wilson family from Tauranga received $6,903.99 to purchase a specialised trike to support their 3-year-old son Toby who was born with Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome). Toby loves social interaction and being outside, and the trike will allow him to get out and about and continue to enjoy the outdoors. The trike will also be used to support and stimulate Toby’s physical and intellectual development.

September 2018 Recipients
Kate Harris-Clarke
10-year-old Jack lives with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, meaning he is non-verbal, absconds, has sensory issues and struggles to conform in group activities. He also eats a limited diet and as a result now lives with obesity. After being offered three free sessions at their local BMX club, Jack’s parents discovered that BMX was the perfect way to encourage Jack to get outdoors and get active. Jack’s family received $2,500 to purchase a BMX bike and safety gear so he can continue to develop his BMX skills and take part in an exercise he enjoys.

September 2018 Recipients
Summit Road Society Incorporated
Summit Road Society Incorporated received $1,505 to purchase 100 possum traps for the Ohinetahi Bush Reserve. The 150-hectare Reserve is home to an array of native birds including bellbirds, fantails, silver eyes and grey warblers. The new possum traps will be used as part of its pest management programme to continue to protect and increase the native bird population in the area. The Society aims to further the vision of Harry Ell by working to enhance, preserve, and protect the nature, beauty and open character of the hills of Banks Peninsula for people to enjoy.

September 2018 Recipients
Waipukurau Little Theatre Incorporated
Waipukurau Little Theatre Incorporated received $3,100 to increase the quality of its theatre performances for the whole community to enjoy. The grant will go towards lights, cables and other accessories that will help set the scene and enhance the dramatical and musical performances for both performers, audiences and the local Waipukurau community. All aspects of the theatre are carried out on a voluntary basis with no financial renumeration.

September 2018 Recipients
Horiana Robin
Hastings resident Horiana Robin received $3,138.99 to purchase a customised trike for her 20-year-old autistic son, Ihakara. The severity of Ihakara’s autism means that he is never left unsupervised as he has difficulties with communication, awareness of physical safety and feeding himself. The trike will allow him to get out and about in the local community with his family.

September 2018 Recipients
Turitea Child Care Centre Incorporated
Turitea Childcare Centre is situated in a semi-rural setting within the Ag Research Grasslands site in Palmerston North. The centre has a large outdoor learning environment for the children to immerse themselves in nature and learn through play-based activities. It received $1,848 from the Mazda Foundation to replace its lawn area so that it can continue to focus on sustainability, natural resources and active play.

September 2018 Recipients
Te Kōhanga Reo o Āniwaniwa
Kaitaia based, early childcare centre, Te Kōhanga Reo o Āniwaniwa, received $3220.00 to purchase 14 new child restraints for the children at the centre. The new restraints will meet NZ Transport Agency regulations and allow the centre to continue to safely transport children to and from the premises. The children at the centre are immersed in a rich te reo Maori environment and are encouraged to follow their interests, make new discoveries and problem solve.

September 2018 Recipients
South Otago Free Kindergarten Association Incorporated
The South Otago Free Kindergarten Association Incorporated received $606.20 to purchase carpentry equipment to set up the outside technology area at Milton Kindergarten. The new equipment includes a carpentry table with tools such as hammers saws and clamps specifically designed for children in their early years, to help them grow and develop through practical learning.

September 2018 Recipients
Southern Lakes Arts Festival Trust
The Southern Lakes Arts Festival Trust received $3,188 to help bring a programme of Maori and Pasifika work to the 2019 Festival of Colour programme in Wanaka and the Southern Lakes. The rural and deep south community is hungry for programming that represents these vibrant cultures in New Zealand, and particularly for youth to have the opportunity to see these cultures represented on local stages. The funding will help bring three outstanding Maori and Pasifika performances to the festival, Including Maori Sidesteps, a quartet of singing comedians; Wild Dogs Under my Skirt, a theatre show featuring six Pasifika women; and Still Life with Chickens, a solo production written by D.F Mamea and performed by Goretti Chadwick.

September 2018 Recipients
Taranaki Adult Literacy Services Incorporated
The Taranaki Adult Literacy Services Incorporated is a not-for-profit charitable organisation based in New Plymouth that provides free adult literacy and learning assistance. It received $5,750 to subsidise the cost of driving lessons for its students, providing local community members with the tools to live a full and successful life. The driving lessons will benefit young students aiming for their first license, job seekers that need a license to get to interviews and workplaces and adults with dyslexia and other learning challenges that need extra support.

September 2018 Recipients
Merrilands Kindergarten
Merrilands Kindergarten in New Plymouth received $3,959 to purchase wet weather gear so its children can enjoy outdoor activities all year round. The kindergarten focuses on building children’s confidence and helping them develop social and interactive skills and outdoor learning is a key part of the curriculum.

September 2018 Recipients
Opunake Districts Rest Home Trust
The Opunake Districts Rest Home Trust received $1,147.50 to allow six of its staff members to attend a full-day, comprehensive first aid training certificate course. The Opunake Cottage Rest Home which the Trust operates provides a resident centred service for elderly people within their community that promotes independence and quality of life.

September 2018 Recipients
Tutaki Youth Incorporated Trust
The Tutaki Youth Incorporated Trust is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation in Stratford that provides a facility with cultural, education, physical, health and leadership opportunities to help young people reach their potential. The Trust received $634.79 to develop an arts programme called “Exploration through Creation” for youth who have completed their client care plans or are nearing the end of their time as social work clients at Tutaki. The arts programme will allow them to embrace the creative process and explore how they relate to themselves and others.

September 2018 Recipients
Leanne Foote
The Foote family from Hamilton received $7,429.55 towards an adaptive trike for their special needs daughter, McKenna. McKenna has Angelman syndrome, a disorder that primarily affects the nervous system. As a result, she has global development delay, generalised hypotonia (low muscle tone), and planovalgus deformities in her feet. Fatigue and seizures are also ongoing for McKenna. The trike will allow McKenna to actively participate in everyday life with her family and peers as well as support both her mental and physical health.

September 2018 Recipients
Pukorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ Trust
The Pukorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ Trust has received $5,000 to buy ten satellite trackers for Pacific Golden Plovers The Plovers population is in decline and the Trust aims to use the trackers to help save the species. They will be used to monitor the flight path of the birds, which is believed to have something to do with the population decline and collect the data to figure out where they are going. The Trust works to safeguard the future of Miranda’s wonderful shorebirds such as the long-distance record-holding Bar-tailed Godwit, The Pacific Golden Plovers and the unique New Zealand Wrybill.

September 2018 Recipients
The Bush Tramway Club
The Bush Tramway Club was founded in 1965 to preserve equipment from New Zealand’s former bush tramways and light industrial lines. The Club, located in the Waikato region, is getting increased numbers at its monthly open day on the first Sunday of every month. With the increased numbers the current power supply is not enough to power the organisations refreshment room, so the Mazda Foundation provided the club with $3,185.65 to supply 3-phase power.

September 2018 Recipients
Masterton Family Education and Support Centre Incorporated
The Masterton Family Education and Support Centre Incorporated cares for at-risk children by providing early intervention, education and support for their families and whanau. The facility aims to empower children to become self-motivated learners by creating an environment that offers choice, opportunity, stimulation and challenges. It received $1,500 to purchase a multi-seat stroller to be used for learning experiences out in the local community as part of its childcare facility.

September 2018 Recipients
Upper Hutt Community Youth Trust
The Upper Hutt Community Youth Trust received $1,649 to purchase a water pump for the barista coffee machine in its youth centre as part of its Kickstart Coffee initiative. The initiative trains and gives young people the skills and experience to become qualified baristas. Each coffee that is purchased, kickstarts a dream of employment and achievement for a young person at the same time as supporting quality youth work happening in the local community.

September 2018 Recipients
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People received $16,000 to purchase eight puppies to be trained and placed with hearing impaired people. Hearing dogs are trained to notify their owners when they hear a sound, such as the door bell, text messages or an alarm clock. Gently pawing their companion to let them know they’ve heard it; the dog will then lead the owner to the sound upon request. The puppies are specifically selected for their confidence, intelligence and breeding to go through a socialisation and training programme to become fully qualified Hearing Dogs.
Photo credit, Belinda Bullock

September 2018 Recipients
Dargaville Community Development Board
The Dargaville Community Development Board is hosting an Education and Employment Expo for local community members to talk face-to-face with a wide range of employers, industry and training providers. The event is set to provide information and education and employment advice to everyone from school students to those returning to the workforce, those wishing to upskill and the unemployed. It has received $5,283 to help organise and promote the event, paying for graphic designers, advertising and tote bags for attendees.

September 2018 Recipients
Peninsula Playcentre
Peninsula Playcentre received $3,161.80 to purchase new seating, cushions and a SafeSpace Cosy House for the children to enjoy. The new items will replace an old couch that has become unsafe, creating a comfortable and stimulating environment for children and their families to spend time together, learn and play.

September 2018 Recipients
Thomas Morrison
10-year-old Thomas has a rare form of muscular dystrophy which means he has low muscle tone and bone density. Swimming is a great activity for Thomas as it keeps his body moving and maintains his existing muscle strength. However, he currently relies on others to carry and lift him in and out of the water. Thomas received $5,370.50 to purchase a J.O.B beach wheelchair, which has special air-filled wheels that allow it to be pushed into the open water and rolled over sand, giving Thomas access to the beach and swimming pools and allowing him to continue his favourite activity.

September 2018 Recipients
Wanganui Toy Library
The children at Wanganui Toy Library will enjoy new puzzles and toys after the organisation received $1,004.15 from the Mazda Foundation to extend its inventory. The new toys will be used to educate children about different cultures and celebrate diversity. The grant will also enable it to purchase a fabric cubby house, providing members of the local community with an easy, pop-up play area for children.

June 2018 Recipients
Diana Weavers
Diana Weaver’s son, Taurima Rongo, lives with an extremely rare genetic condition that has resulted in significant health problems and developmental delays. The condition has impacted Taurima’s mobility, meaning he requires constant support from Diana to go about day to day life and as he gets older it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to carry him around. Diana received $3,868.99 to purchase a buggy that will make getting out and about in the Auckland community a lot easier for Taurima and the whole family.

June 2018 Recipients
Donna Bedford
Donna Bedford received $3,000 to go towards fundraising for Assistance Dogs New Zealand after it provided her son Tom, who lives with autism and epilepsy, an assistance dog. Assistance dogs’ cost around $48,000 to train over the course of two years, so the Bedford family are using the grant to give back to the organisation that has done so much for them. Amber the assistance dog has become a loyal companion for Tom, providing comfort during and after seizures, keeping him calm and safe while out in the Auckland community and allowing him to live a more fulfilled life.

June 2018 Recipients
Ellerslie Toy Library
With increased screen time and more pressure on children to be in structured activities, the Ellerslie Toy Library has recognised the increasing importance of encouraging children to explore creativity and learn through play. The Library received $1,899.93 to purchase new toys that will help develop the children’s ability to solve problems, creativity and refine motor skills. It hopes to grow its range of toys to cater for children of all needs, with a focus on toys that promote balance and coordination, particularly important for children with special needs.

June 2018 Recipients
Big Buddy Mentoring Trust
The Big Buddy Mentoring Trust finds kind-hearted mentors or ‘Big Buddies’ to partner with fatherless boys or ‘Little Buddies’ aged seven to 14, to help the boys become well-rounded men through positive male role modelling. The Trust received $1,449 to buy chairs for its volunteer training sessions, which provide the adults with the skills required to mentor their buddies. The programme gives the boys a man of good character to trust and spend quality time with, improving their confidence, overall happiness and willingness to go outside their comfort zones and try new things.

June 2018 Recipients
All Saints Birkenhead Scout Group
The All Saints Birkenhead Scout Group received $3,384 to purchase a heavy-duty trailer to transport tents and equipment to camps and other outdoor activities. Scouting NZ is New Zealand’s largest mix-youth organisation, offering those from the ages of five to 26, fun and challenging activities, unique experiences and the chance to help other young adults reach their full potential. The trailer will allow the group to take part in activities such as camping, tramping, rafting and kayaking, which will help them develop important life skills.

June 2018 Recipients
The Operating Theatre Trust
The Operating Theatre Trust received $1,500 to allow 40 students and their teachers from Kelston Deaf Education Centre to see a NZSL interpreted performance of Bad Jelly the Witch. The children at Kelston Deaf Education Centre cannot attend regular performances as a result of hearing impairments, and being a low decile school, theatre tickets are a significant cost for the families. Access to performances like Bad Jelly the Witch, give the children the opportunity to experience the arts, learn and develop their imaginations and creativity.

June 2018 Recipients
Jane Peoples
Jane Peoples received $4,000 to support her friend Milly with the cost of private speech lessons for her autistic son, helping relieve financial stress. Milly has three young boys, two of whom are autistic. Seven-year-old Harvey has shown tremendous progress since he began speech lessons, which have taught him how to build relationships and have developed his communication skills past the point of basic greetings. The ongoing speech therapy will help him develop his social skills to help gain and maintain friendships, increasing his confidence and sense of belonging in the world.

June 2018 Recipients
Siobhan Allen
Last year the Mazda Foundation helped Blenheim resident Georgie receive a life changing surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital in America. The surgery has greatly improved her mobility to the point that she can now use a trike instead of a wheelchair, increasing her endurance and encouraging muscle growth in her legs. The Mazda Foundation gifted Georgie an additional $4,000 this funding round towards the cost of a Hase Trike. The Trike will help her get stronger and become more active, therefore increasing her independence and allowing her to actively engage and contribute to the community.

June 2018 Recipients
The Tourette’s Association of New Zealand
The Tourette’s Association of New Zealand received $10,000 to help run Camp Twitch – a camp for children living with Tourette Syndrome and their families. After her daughter was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, Robyn Twemlow established the association to connect with other parents going through the same struggles. Camp Twitch brings children living with Tourette Syndrome together in a safe, welcoming environment where they can interact and be themselves without fear of judgement.

June 2018 Recipients
Tai Tapu Playcentre
Tai Tapu Playcentre received $3,605.25 to build an outdoor carpentry play space. The playcentre is the only non-profit early childhood facility in Tai Tapu and the surrounding rural area and offers a large support network for parents with pre-schoolers. Woodwork allows children to engage in problem solving, develop hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. The carpentry play space will help the children become confident, competent and self-directed learners through play.

June 2018 Recipients
Christchurch Symphony Trust
The Christchurch Symphony Trust received $600 to transport high school students to the Christchurch Secondary Schools’ Orchestra Festival: Orchestras On Board. Orchestras On Board is a pop-up style performance at the Christchurch Bus Interchange which will not only allow these talented young musicians perform but also give the Christchurch public free access to live orchestral music.

June 2018 Recipients
Waitākiri Primary School
Waitākiri Primary School received $1,944.97 towards developing its robotics and coding programmes, providing enhanced learning opportunities to its students. The school aims to give all students from years three to six the opportunity to work with e-bots and learn about coding. The programmes are designed to equip the children with the relevant skills, knowledge and work ethic to succeed in a world driven increasingly by technology.

June 2018 Recipients
Goodnight, Sleep Tight
Good Night, Sleep Tight was founded in 2016 to distribute winter bedding and sleepwear to children in need. The organisation received $2,400 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase blankets and pyjamas and get one step closer to achieving its goal of ensuring all children in the greater Christchurch area go to bed warm.

June 2018 Recipients
Leithfield School
Leithfield School received $2,000 to repair the school pool, which is regularly used and enjoyed by the students and wider community. Leithfield is surrounded by river and sea and the school is committed to doing everything it can to keeping its students’ water safe. The pool was damaged by frequent use and the Christchurch earthquakes and the repair work will allow the school to continue its swim safe programme as part of the school curriculum.

June 2018 Recipients
Beckenham Friendship Club
The Beckenham Friendship club was formed in 1987 as a social group for elderly citizens living in the South Christchurch area. The club received $1,035 to cover one year’s hire of the St Marks South Methodist Parish Hall, where it will host social afternoons to provide much needed social contact for the often lonely and isolated elderly members of the community.

June 2018 Recipients
Affinity Gymnastics Academy
Affinity Gymnastics Academy received $5,884 to purchase gymnastics equipment including a vault run, vault table and springboard. The new equipment will mean less travel for gymnastics participants and their families and will encourage more young people to take part in the sport. The academy is an asset to the Selwyn community, providing local employment opportunities and helping improve the motor skills and coordination of young children, including those with disabilities.

June 2018 Recipients
Scouts Coastal Otago Zone
Scouts Coastal Otago Zone received $1,064 to assist with the cost of making a World Trade Game for its youth leadership course. The game is designed to create awareness around the world’s trade environment and teaches youth about decision making and consequences. The leadership course also promotes social interaction between members and encourages the Scouts to work together to solve problems.

June 2018 Recipients
Concord Kindergarten
Concord Kindergarten received $3,200 to purchase educational materials including puzzles, animal figurines and toy vehicles. The educational toys will help the children develop, encouraging them to use their imaginations, play, socialise and get active.

June 2018 Recipients
Wellington Riding for the Disabled
Wellington Riding for the Disabled provides therapeutic horse-riding programmes for individuals and groups of all ages. It received $5,351 to install a new arena surface in its new indoor arena which is currently under construction. Wellington Riding for the Disabled plays a vital role in community development in the Wellington, Kapiti and Porirua areas by drawing people together from different cultures and walks of life.

June 2018 Recipients
Paremata Playcentre
Paremata Playcentre received $500 to update its music and movement equipment and replace broken and worn out instruments. Music can help children express feelings through voice and body, develop rhythm and harmony, be creative and most of all, have fun. The new instruments will not only play a crucial role in the children’s development, they will allow them to experience music from their own and other cultures around the world.

June 2018 Recipients
New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education
The New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education provides child specialist education classes to help gifted children develop their talents and interact with others. The organisation received $2,783 to provide its 11 MindPlus classes throughout the country with chess sets. MindPlus provides gifted children from the ages of six to 13 with intellectual, creative, social and emotional learning and support. Chess is an important part of the programme and is used as a tool to teach the children critical thinking skills through the process of problem solving.

June 2018 Recipients
Young and Hungry Arts Trust
The Young and Hungry Arts Trust received $1,107.45 to purchase furniture to make the rehearsal space for its new project, Monday Meets, more functional and comfortable. Monday Meets is a fortnightly gathering of young creatives, that gives them the opportunity to learn from industry professionals in a fun, inclusive environment. The grant will help the Trust support the young people of Wellington, from high school and university students to unemployed creatives and those who are just starting careers in the arts.

June 2018 Recipients
Gisborne Homeschool Group
The Gisborne Homeschool Group received $2,828 to help fund venue hire and equipment for its drama club’s performance of Peter Pan. The group is a non-profit incorporated society that represents the Gisborne community of home educated learners and their parents. The grant will enable home educated students to develop theatrical and public speaking skills and share high quality classical theatre productions with the local community.

June 2018 Recipients
West Coast Riding for the Disabled
West Coast Riding for the Disabled received $9,821 to purchase an Equine Massage System to keep its seven horses in optimum condition and health. The organisation helps those living with disability, from physical and intellectual to social and behavioural, increase their mobility and develop strength through goal-based riding activity.

June 2018 Recipients
Cambridge Repertory Society
The Cambridge Repertory Society is an amateur dramatic society that encourages youth participation in productions whether on stage or behind the scenes, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexuality. It received $636.65 to purchase a smoke machine that will be used to enhance the quality of its performances to local and regional audiences.

June 2018 Recipients
Tamera Matene
Tamera Matene, a dancer from Stratford, has been given the opportunity to travel to the United States and learn from some of the world’s best choreographers. She received $6,589 from the Mazda Foundation to fund her attendance at the World Class Dance Tour of New York and Orlando, which will allow her to attend classes with choreographers and immerse herself in Broadway shows in New York City. The tour, which aims to help young dancers pursue a career in dance by putting them in touch with industry professionals, will be extremely valuable for Tamera’s future in the industry.

June 2018 Recipients
Pukekura Kindergarten
Pukekura Kindergarten received $1,000 to purchase three new tables for the children to use to explore their creativity and learn through play. The grant will allow the children to get creative with playdough, baking and art creation, and learn problem solving with a range of puzzles and games. The Kindergarten provides a quality learning experience for children in New Plymouth from the ages of two to six.

June 2018 Recipients
Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve
Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve contains over 126 native species, including at least 13 types of native or endemic birds, scores of native invertebrate species and one of the highest concentrations of Kiwi in New Zealand. It received $5,000 towards the cost of purchasing wood and concrete to rebuild the steps on its pedestrian access track. The track will provide access to schools, youth groups, scientific and academic researchers as well as the general public.

June 2018 Recipients
Tania McQueen-Davies
Tania McQueen-Davies, a teacher at a low decile high school in the Tararua District, received $2,000 to purchase toiletries for disadvantaged students. Many of her students arrive at school without having showered and in dirty clothes, often as a result of living in homes without electricity. The grant will allow Tania to make gift packs of soap and other toiletries to give out to the children in need so that they can come to class clean and ready to learn.

June 2018 Recipients
Riverdale School
Riverdale School received $1,348 to purchase eco-friendly garden beds for their Green Team. The Green Team is made up of students who are passionate about gardening and are committed to protecting and preserving the natural environment. Through this initiative the team has introduced paper recycling bins and a school wide composting system, and they also contribute to a section in the school newsletter, sharing facts and tips to help support sustainable living practices within the wider community.

June 2018 Recipients
Hamilton North School
Hamilton North School received $4,854.14 to purchase an adaptive trike for the junior school. The school specialises in caring for students with special needs, offering an adapted curriculum for those who have needs that cannot be met with regular schooling. The adaptive trike will help wheelchair bound students take part in daily exercise, which is something that is crucial to maintaining physical and mental well-being. The school hopes to begin taking class groups out for daily rides to promote the benefits of assisted exercise.

June 2018 Recipients
Hamilton North School – Thomas
Hamilton North School received $293.25 to purchase a home therapy Airex mat to assist one of its students. Thomas was diagnosed with X-linked Thomas adrenoleukodystrophy, a brain disorder that effects his mobility meaning he is wheelchair bound. The mat will allow Thomas’ family to stretch his hip flexors after school and during school holidays to help maintain his joint motion and prevent the need for orthopaedic surgery.

June 2018 Recipients
Hamilton North School – Austin
Hamilton North School received $161 to purchase a prone wedge for Austin, a student at the school. Austin has global development delay, hypotonia and suffers from regular seizures. He spends most of his day in a wheelchair and requires regular stretching to help maintain motion in his joints. The prone will allow his parents to continue home therapy after school and during school holidays and prevent the need for orthopaedic surgery.

June 2018 Recipients
Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust
The Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust received $4,200 for its pest eradication programme as part of the restoration of the Mangaiti Gully. The grant will go towards purchasing a 12-month supply of bait as well as fund a contractor to refill the pest traps on a regular basis. The trust aims to return the gully to the state it was in before pests were introduced to the native environment.

June 2018 Recipients
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust
The Maungataurari Ecological Island Trust received $2,941.50 to purchase chainsaw equipment for its tree maintenance programme. The sanctuary is home to many rare and endangered native plants, including ancient rata and rimu trees. The equipment will help the trust preserve Maungataurari’s natural resources so that the local community can enjoy it for generations to come.

June 2018 Recipients
Central Kids Ngatea Kindergarten
Central Kids Ngatea Kindergarten received $590 to purchase wet weather gear for the children to use as part of its Ngahere Programme. The Ngahere Programme involves taking children to a local reserve so they can explore and immerse themselves in nature, experience the different weather conditions and seasons and learn about the range of bugs, flora and fauna in the area.

June 2018 Recipients
Waterloo Playcentre
The children at Waterloo Playcentre love to bake, so the playcentre received $1,800 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase an oven. Baking is a highlight for the children during sessions, allowing them to share delicious kai creations at the end of story time and develop many skills in the process. While baking together, there is a focus on communication, vocabulary and the process it takes to get the end result. The playcentre is a community-based parent co-operative that creates free play learning experiences the children can share with other kids of all ages.

June 2018 Recipients
Waikato River Trails Trust
The Waikato River Trails Trust received $2,420 to purchase equipment to clear areas covered in weeds so that it can be replant them with native species. Each year the trust establishes over 15,000 native plants along the riparian margins of the Waikato River and its tributaries. This planting is an essential part of the trust’s vision of helping restore the biodiversity of its rivers, but also provides an opportunity to educate the volunteers and public about the need to preserve and protect its natural assets.

June 2018 Recipients
Mapura Studios
Mapura Studios in Auckland is a creative space that offers visual arts and arts therapy programmes for people living with disabilities and diversity. It received $5,312.10 to purchase frames and core art materials used every day by people that participate in the studio’s various art classes. The classes provide a rich learning environment that builds a sense of companionship, social acceptance and collective integration for people with various intellectual and physical disabilities as well as the non-disabled.

June 2018 Recipients
Marton and District Pipe Band
The Marton and District Pipe Band received $1,560 to purchase shirts and ties for their uniform. The band’s mission is to provide, maintain and sustain a pipe band for the benefit not only of the musicians but local community members who enjoy listening to the music. The new uniform will ensure the band look their best when parading at community events throughout the Rangitikei District and competing at local, regional and national contests.

March 2018 Recipients
Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust
The Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust train dogs to assist people living with disability. It received $3,936 to purchase new equipment, including a hydraulic trolley and a grooming table. The organisation has at least 30 trainee dogs at any one time, meaning each staff member is responsible for training and caring for a number of dogs. The new hydraulic trolley will enable staff to easily transport equipment and food, while the grooming table will help care for the dogs who benefit the lives of many people in society.

March 2018 Recipients
Sowers Trust
Sowers Trust has received $612.92 to purchase a marquee to host fun days and other events. The trust encourages and empowers youth and their families to address common social, emotional and behavioural challenges, through youth development and mentoring programmes. The new marquee will provide children with a fun and safe environment to interact with family at special events hosted by the Trust.

March 2018 Recipients
Brainwave Trust Aotearoa
The Brainwave Trust Aotearoa reviews and shares the latest scientific findings on child brain development with parents, teachers and social workers. The Trust has received $7,800 for a Customer Relationship Management system. As its database continues to grow, the system will allow the organisation to communicate more efficiently with parents and caregivers.

March 2018 Recipients
Indian Ink Trust
The Indian Ink Trust has received $3,000 to purchase 200 tickets for students to attend its show, ‘Mrs Krishnan’s Party’. The trust is taking up residency at Ormiston Junior College to educate students on the arts through theatre workshops that cover set production, script development and mask and physical theatre. At the end of the programme, the students will attend a performance by the Indian Ink Trust, where they will witness their learnings come together with the hope of inspiring a love of theatre.

March 2018 Recipients
The Operating Theatre Trust
The Operating Theatre Trust has received $1,500 to allow 40 students and teachers from Kelston Deaf Education Centre to see a performance of The Great White Man-Eating Shark and Other Stories. The trust aims to make top-quality New Zealand theatre accessible to all children and young people, inspiring in them a love of performing arts. The funding will provide seats for the students and teachers, along with an interpreter to translate the show into sign language.

March 2018 Recipients
The Auckland Performing Arts Centre
The Auckland Performing Arts Centre hosts an array of arts focussed classes in the Auckland region – from dance and circus training to photography and singing. They received $4,200 to replace vital safety equipment, including worn out crash and gym mats, to protect students from serious injury. Safety is a top priority for the centre, which has over 110,000 people visit annually to participate in the physically challenging classes.

March 2018 Recipients
Auckland & District Pipe Band
The Auckland & District Pipe Band has been providing musical entertainment to people, both nationally and internationally, for nearly 90 years. Since its inception in 1929, the band has encouraged youth to learn the art of pipe banding, keeping the Scottish heritage alive and bringing musical culture to the community. They received $994.45 for entry into a contest and to purchase kilt hose as part of their uniforms.

March 2018 Recipients
Pablos Art Studios
Pablos Art Studios was established to provide creative, mental health support to the Wellington community. Art is one of the few proven, non-invasive models of help for people in recovery. It provides people with a way to build confidence and re-engage with the wider community. The studio received $2,500 toward a year’s supply of art materials, which will allow it to continue to provide its free professional service to the community.

March 2018 Recipients
Age Concern New Zealand
Age Concern New Zealand has received $799 to purchase a professional digital camera for its self-sustaining photography project. The camera will allow the organisation to update its image library, and take photos of real, older New Zealanders, to better reflect New Zealand’s culturally diverse older demographic. Age Concern ensures New Zealanders over the age of 65 have fulfilling lives – and work towards a vision of older people living valued lives in an inclusive society.

March 2018 Recipients
Brookfield Outdoor Education Centre
Brookfield Outdoor Education Centre, owned by Scouts New Zealand, has received $5,199.90 to purchase 10 kayaks. Scouts New Zealand offer fun and challenging activities for five to 26-year olds. The organisation helps youth develop skills including teamwork and self-motivation and makes a positive impact in the community. The kayaks will replace old, damaged kayaks allowing children to learn about water safety.

March 2018 Recipients
Jack Tetley
Jack Tetley, a 13-year-old with a passion for ocean conservation, has received $8,500 to fund his attendance at the Trust for Sustainable Living 2018 International Schools Essay Competition and Debate in Seychelles. Jack was the only New Zealander to receive an honourable mention for his speech on ocean pollution, in which he educated fellow students about the changes they should make to improve the world’s oceans. He has been invited to the conference in Seychelles, where he will undertake a week of field trips to marine sanctuaries and attend talks by world leaders in global sustainability and marine conservation.

March 2018 Recipients
Share a Pair NZ
Share a Pair NZ was founded in 2017 by Palmerston North teen, Maddison McQueen-Davies, to help less fortunate families provide their children with decent school footwear. The organisation has received $2,000 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase a range of shoes to cater to students of different ages. Maddison relies on donations from students who no longer need or fit their school shoes, having already donated over 170 pairs to students in need.

March 2018 Recipients
Wildlife Foxton Trust
Wildlife Foxton Trust has received $3,142.72 to purchase 24 Marine Metre Squared kits, teacher resources and activity books. The trust runs an Environmental Outreach Programme throughout the Manawatu and Horowhenua districts and is now expanding to include the Marine Metre Squared programme. Wildlife Foxton Trust visits schools to teach them how to conduct environmental and educational research and display the results online. The Marine Metre Squared Kits will provide the community with data and a wider understanding of the conditions of local rivers.

March 2018 Recipients
Sarah Hansen
Sarah Hansen has received $12,644.25 for an electric attachment for her manual wheelchair. Sarah has Cerebral Palsy and is the primary caregiver for her mother who has dementia. She relies on a wheelchair for mobility, however her powerchair is too big to manoeuvre in her mother’s house. The attachment will allow her to use her smaller chair while travelling to care for her mother, allowing her to stay independent for as long as possible.

March 2018 Recipients
Kidz Need Dadz Charitable Trust
Kidz Need Dadz is a charitable organisation focussed on engaging fathers to interact, teach and play with their children. They received $876 to purchase a BBQ to use at their ‘Dad and me’ workshops throughout the year. Research shows fathers and paternal role models offer unique possibilities for child development. The ‘Dad and me’ workshops are held every Saturday to encourage creative play between Dads and their children.

March 2018 Recipients
Andersons Bay Community Kindergarten
Andersons Bay Community Kindergarten has received $567.90 to purchase a rain water collection system. The kindergarten has a strong focus on sustainability and teaches the children about gardening, recycling and composting. The rain water collection system will show children the importance of water conservation and foster a greater understanding of water sustainability and supply.

March 2018 Recipients
Aspiring Beginnings Early Learning Centre
Aspiring Beginnings Early Learning Centre has received $1,000 to purchase a new swing shed. The centre upgraded its outdoor area with native trees, huts and a waterslide and required a new shed to replace an old, deteriorated one. The shed will be used to prolong the life of the outdoor equipment by protecting it from the elements when not in use.

March 2018 Recipients
Palmerston Playcentre
Palmerston Playcentre has received $640 to purchase a year’s supply of printer ink. The playcentre provides a range of play-based learning and experiences for children under the age of five in the Palmerston community. The printer is crucial to the playcentre’s day-to-day business, as the staff regularly produce learning resources and print photos of the children for learning boards.

March 2018 Recipients
Makoura Community Early Childhood Centre
Makoura Community Early Childhood Centre is a community based, not for profit organisation, that works in conjunction with the Teen Parent Unit, to help teen parents return to school or further their education. They have received $893.58 to purchase a Cacoon Hanging Chair and an assortment of board games. The board games will help the mothers improve memory and concentration skills, while the Cacoon Hanging Chair will help lull the babies to sleep.

March 2018 Recipients
Ellen Mullany
Ellen Mullany, and her son Kaiden received $3,300 to purchase a therapy puppy. Seven-year-old Kaiden has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder meaning he deals with anxiety and sensory processing issues daily. The Mullany family will purchase a therapy natured labradoodle to comfort Kaiden and provide support in unfamiliar situations, helping him to function better in society.

March 2018 Recipients
Tauranga Riding for the Disabled
Tauranga District Riding for the Disabled has received $1,448.98 to purchase equipment for its horses. The grant will go towards replacing old puff pads for under the horses’ saddles and new feed bins and hay bags. Tauranga Riding for the Disabled provide therapy to over 4,500 people dealing with mental and physical disabilities and who are in need of emotional healing and growth, each year.

March 2018 Recipients
Wairakei Kindergarten
Wairakei Kindergarten has received $2,160.94 to replace old, worn out safety mats. The kindergarten provides children with the opportunity to practice their motor skills such as climbing, balancing and lifting. The safety mats will replace the old mats at the bottom of a slide, monkey bars, climbing apparatus and will be used for gymnastics.

March 2018 Recipients
Brooklands Kindergarten
Brooklands Kindergarten provide high quality, low cost learning to children from low income homes. They received $1,233 to purchase a screen printing table, paint brushes and a perspex table to be used for messy activities. The art supplies will allow children to take part in activities that develop hand-eye co-ordination and writing skills.

March 2018 Recipients
Te Puna Reo o Puhi Kaiti
Te Puna Reo o Puhi Kaiti is a full immersion Te Reo Māori early childhood centre that encourages children to thrive through exploration and creativity. It received $1,715.84 to purchase a mirror table and art easels, offering further creative opportunities for the children. The children will learn to express themselves creatively through drawing, painting and exploration of the arts.

March 2018 Recipients
Renwick Playcentre
Renwick Playcentre has received $6,437.74 to rebuild its playground with new equipment and science supplies. The grant will allow the centre to improve its playground facilities, as a large part of the original playground was identified as unsafe and had to be dismantled. The new playground will provide the children with a challenging, motivating space to practise motor skills, take risks and develop self-confidence.

March 2018 Recipients
Ward School
Ward School has received $554 to purchase 10 Ukuleles to create a Ward Ukulele Orchestra. The recent earthquakes left the students stressed and anxious, so the school is making fun education a priority. The school believes every child should have a broad and rich curriculum and music is a great way for children to express themselves.

March 2018 Recipients
Mikayla McDonald
Mikayla McDonald received $5,000 towards Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery for her son, Damin Ching. Damin was diagnosed with Right Side Hemiplegia, a type of Cerebral Palsy, when he was nine months old, causing weakness on one entire side of the body. The surgery involves cutting certain sensory nerve fibres, relieving the affected muscle, and giving him better functionality in his leg.

March 2018 Recipients
Ghost Light Theatre
Ghost Light Theatre is an 80-seat black box theatre, that hosts film nights and performances in the Bridge Street Studios in Nelson The theatre is intended to become a space where local artists and producers can showcase their work without judgement. The $4,000 Mazda Foundation grant will allow the theatre to purchase a projector, enabling it to showcase the work of local producers and filmmakers to the community.

March 2018 Recipients
Riverbridge Native Species Trust
Riverbridge Native Species Trust has received $3,762.50 to purchase native plants, shrubs and pest traps for its Wetland Restoration Project. The project aims to restore 10 hectares of wetland habitat and construct a predator proof fence to re-introduce native and indigenous bird species to the area. The grant will allow the trust to replant the area and manage predators effectively, in turn protecting native and endangered inhabitants.

March 2019 Recipients
Manukorihi Intermediate School
Manukorihi Intermediate School received $3,311 to purchase ottomans in a variety of fun shapes and colours for its library. The school believes that by making the library an exciting, vibrant place it will encourage students to read more and reconnect with books while also creating a space for them to socialise and engage with their peers.

March 2018 Recipients
Christchurch School of Music
Christchurch School of Music has received $2,810 to purchase a set of music stand banners. The banners, which hang over the front of music stands, will brandish the School’s logo and be used throughout all performances including the NZ Concert Bands Festival. The school provides music tuition to the local community as well as providing opportunities for study, practice and performance.

March 2018 Recipients
Pandemonium Trust
Pandemonium Trust’s mission is to educate and enthuse school children about music, musical instruments and highlight cultural diversity through music. They received $2,298 to purchase a second-hand Korogi Xylophone and two replacement hardware bags. Percussion instruments such as the Korogi Xylophone are too expensive for students to purchase and there is nowhere in Christchurch to hire them. The trust relies on funding for second-hand instruments to provide for their students.

March 2018 Recipients
Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre
Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre has received $1,645 to purchase five new car seats. The learning centre works closely with Karangai Mai Young Parents College and Kaiapoi High School to provide support for teenage parents and their children. The car seats will allow staff to safely transport the 29 children in their care to and from the learning centre and take them out on excursions when necessary.

March 2018 Recipients
Lake Tekapo Bright Stars Community Trust
Lake Tekapo Bright Stars Community Trust has received $2,428 to complete funding for a sandpit at its learning centre. The sandpit is an extension of the play area, a valuable learning space that encourages and promotes creativity and helps children develop key motor skills. The learning centre opened in 2017, after the town’s old Guild Hall was repurposed as an education centre, to provide learning opportunities for the children in Tekapo.

March 2018 Recipients
Taupo Primary School
Taupo Primary School has received $4,000 to purchase a balance beam and a variety of balls. The school is implementing a play-based learning philosophy in its junior school and the replacement balls will allow the programme to run smoothly across the 20 classrooms.