September 2019 Recipients
Taranaki Free Kindergarten Association Incorporated
Pukekura Kindergarten, part of Taranaki Free Kindergarten Association Incorporated, has a new dress up station that will help children express their imagination. It received $776.70 to purchase the dress up station complete with hanging space at a height the children can access themselves.

September 2019 Recipients
East End Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated
New Plymouth based East End Surf Life Saving Club Inc provide lifeguard training and host competitions for members at East End Beach. To help progress their lifeguard’s development it received $1,695.00 to purchase a replacement air compressor to quickly inflate their inshore rescue boats for patrol and training purposes.

September 2019 Recipients
Opoho Playcentre
Opoho Playcentre is hosting a First Aid Training day for its parents and volunteers to increase their knowledge and ensure they can keep children in their care safe. It received $1,755.00 to help fund the programme that will have a huge benefit for the community. Opoho Playcentre is a parent/whānau led early-learning centre that aims to enrich communities by strengthening parent engagement and recognising whānau as the first and best educators of children.

September 2019 Recipients
Dunedin Kindergartens Incorporated
Concord Kindergarten, part of Dunedin Kindergartens Incorporated, encourages children to play outdoors as much as possible. It received $2,300.00 to purchase 30 sets of wet weather gear including children’s parkas, outdoor trousers and gumboots for both students and teachers, so the children can enjoy the outdoors year-round.

September 2019 Recipients
Nicola Bright
Nicola Bright’s nine-year-old son, Conner, was born with bilateral microphthalmos, which means he has abnormally small eyeballs and is completely blind. The Bright family received $2,000.00 to purchase a four-wheel bike so that Conner will be able to bike to school with his brothers, alongside a pilot rider. Conner is able to travel independently around home and other known environments but he’s vulnerable in new surroundings. This bike will enable Conner to enjoy spending time outdoors with his siblings.

September 2019 Recipients
The Scout Association of New Zealand
The Scout Association of New Zealand’s Nelson based, Iron Duke Sea Scouts, has so many new members it was in desperate need of new equipment. It received $8,103.99 to purchase two Kakapo tents to replace old ones, and a new boat trailer in order to meet the high demand. Iron Duke Sea Scouts enable young people in Nelson to enjoy new adventures, experience the outdoors, gain confidence and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

September 2019 Recipients
Leanne Benjamin
Leanne Benjamin runs a respite care programme for children with disabilities and health conditions. Animals Inspiring Kids is a holiday programme designed to build confidence, an interest in animals and extend social skills. Leanne received $4,349.99 to purchase resources, toys and activities to improve the experience she offers the children while they are in her care. Leanne hopes to provide pet therapy sessions to schools and hospitals on a regular basis and take animals on visits to children’s birthday parties in the future.

September 2019 Recipients
Rotorua Museum Education Team
The Rotorua Museum Education Team have created a space for students to participate in VEX, an internationally known robotics competition. It received $2,500.00 to purchase a VEX Competition robot so that the students in the Robotics Club can compete whilst also learning about teamwork, electronics and coding. The Rotorua Museum Education Team exist to provide Learning Outside the Classroom (LEOTC) experiences that schools cannot provide in their day to day environment.

September 2019 Recipients
Age Concern New Zealand Incorporated
Age Concern New Zealand Incorporated are advocates for people over 65 ensuring they have access to vital information and can stay connected to friends, family and their community as they age. It received $1,204.25 to help fund a Te Reo Maori translation of its ‘Enduring Power of Attorney’ brochure, it is an important tool for those considering varying, revoking or appointing an EPA. Age Concern New Zealand Incorporated work with older people and their families that need support and advice around elderly needs.

September 2019 Recipients
Epuni School
Epuni School takes shorts lessons in its school garden every week, to contribute to happier more well-rounded tamariki. It received $486.61 to purchase 20 new garden forks to use in the garden during the lesson and for impromptu gardening sessions. Epuni School expect to see the children’s pride, self-esteem and sense of belonging grow from having their very own tools.

September 2019 Recipients
Who Did You Help Today Trust
Who Did You Help Today Trust operates 16 Homework Clubs around New Zealand that they hope to increase to 20 by the end of the year. The clubs connect workplaces with low decile primary schools so skilled workers can support students’ learning at a weekly club. It received $4,060.00 to go towards funding to develop tailored resource boxes that will enhance the children’s experience during their time at the Homework Club.

September 2019 Recipients
Nicola Stoddart (on behalf of Kash)
Nicola Stoddart’s son Kash has a rare form of cerebral palsy, so rare that doctors can’t fully diagnose it, but it makes it difficult for Kash to partake in family outings. The Stoddart family received $5,028.99 to fund a special needs buggy, so that he can participate in family outings with ease. Kash’s mother Nicola decided that when his condition was first presented to them that Kash would have as many opportunities as his older brother, and the family would never put any limitations on him.

September 2019 Recipients
Canterbury Westland Kindergarten Association Incorporated
The Canterbury Westland Kindergarten Association Incorporated are expanding their playground at Kendal Avenue Kindergarten. It received $1,333.00 to purchase four play cubes for the new play area, to provide more opportunities for outdoor play. Kendal Ave Kindergarten is situated in a low socio-economic corner of Burnside, where many families struggle financially and Canterbury Westland Kindergarten Association aim to have the best possible learning and resources available as this is often not the case at home.

September 2019 Recipients
New Zealand Conservation Trust
The New Zealand Conservation Trust runs workshops and open days to encourage locals in Marshland, Christchurch to be involved in protecting wildlife found in their surroundings. It received $7,754.91 to purchase materials like tracking tunnels, flagging tape, timber, wire netting, plywood sheets, timber screws and trap setting tools, to build trap boxes for various planting days and bird watching projects. New Zealand Conservation Trust works to protect and advocate for our unique taonga (native species) through conservation, education and collaboration.

September 2019 Recipients
Koru Care Christchurch Charitable Trust
The Koru Care Christchurch Charitable Trust is sending 24 children (between 9 and 15) with serious and life-threatening medical conditions on an experience of a lifetime. It received $5,600.00 to send 15-year-old Amy who suffers from a congenital condition that causes frequent bone fractures and aching joints, on a trip to Disneyland. Koru Care Christchurch Charitable Trust aims to create lifelong memories for very deserving children so they can momentarily forget their serious medical issues and enjoy themselves as children should.

September 2019 Recipients
The Peel Forest Outdoor Pursuits Charitable Trust
The Peel Forest Outdoor Pursuits Charitable Trust is running a weeklong course including river rafting and kayaking, to challenge students and build confidence. It received $2,461.00 to purchase 14 long john wetsuits for their river activities, to ensure the safety of their increasing attendees. Peel Forest Outdoor Pursuits Charitable Trust is a Registered Charitable Trust that runs outdoor skills training and education programmes.

September 2019 Recipients
Julianne Sutherland
Rural and community-based kindergarten, Fairlie Area Kindergarten, prides itself on incorporating environmental messages and sustainability into its teaching. It has received a grant of $867.00 to purchase and install a water storage tank to connect to an existing spouting system, so that the children will be able to use recycled water in their active play!

September 2019 Recipients
Riverbridge Native Species Trust
The Riverbridge Native Species Trust is working to re-establish a wetland on the Canterbury Plains. It received $5,000.00 to purchase native trees which will provide habitat for native and indigenous bird species. Riverbridge Native Species Trust’s initial round of planting will take place in November.

September 2019 Recipients
Taupo Sculpture Trust
The Taupo Sculpture Trust received a grant of $724.54 to help fund new information plaques and art installations around the Lake Taupo district. The new additions will help to enhance the district and attract more travellers. Taupo Sculpture Trust hopes to not only educate people by exposing them to new art but also showcase works from talented New Zealand artists.

September 2019 Recipients
The Refugee Orientation Centre Trust
The Refugee Orientation Centre Trust run a Catch-Up Homework Support programme to help refugee students get support for their homework projects. It received $2,208.00 to help fund for four laptops as students often need to complete work online. The Refugee Orientation Centre Trust consists of three permanent tutors and volunteers from Waikato University and the wider community.

September 2019 Recipients
Central North Island Early Education Services Trust
The Central North Island Early Education Services Trust’s received $1,274.00 to purchase a set of wet weather clothing for children who do not have their own. Having a spare set means all can participate in outdoor learning, no matter the weather. The organisation aims to take children into the local reserves and parks to experience nature and their environment on a weekly basis.

September 2019 Recipients
Brainwave Trust Aotearoa
Brainwave Trust Aotearoa are making a difference to our communities by making information on brain development simple and accessible so that everyone with young children has the resources to ensure their child gets the best start in life. It has received a $5,125.00 grant to go towards funding five new laptops for its staff to use at its free nationwide seminars and workshops. Brainwave Trust Aotearoa share knowledge about the critical importance of the first thousand days of life and make this knowledge accessible through targeted programmes.

September 2019 Recipients
The Mums Clique
The Mums Clique work to empower and support New Zealand mothers in need through friendship in the community. the group believes every mother should have access to education and know the basic skills involved for infant and child CPR First Aid. The Mums Clique received a $945.00 grant to help fund infant and child CPR First Aid courses for mothers.

September 2019 Recipients
Hindu Heritage Research Foundation (NZ)
The Hindu Heritage Research Foundation has a team of Budget Service Mentors that provide financial mentoring to community organisations, institutes and schools. It received $2,803.30 to purchase two laptops so that the Budget Service Mentors can provide services on site at WINZ offices. Hindu Heritage Research Foundation is a non-for-profit charitable trust that provides financial budgeting support to people in need.

September 2019 Recipients
Ethan Jones
Melissa Jones’ four-year-old son, Ethan, was born prematurely and developed Spastic quadriplegia, a form of Cerebral Palsy that affects his arms and legs, making walking near impossible. The Jones family received $7,500.00 to help fund a Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery that will help increase Ethan’s chances of walking pain free. The surgery is not available in New Zealand but is performed at the St Louis Children’s Hospital in the United States. It will reduce the tightness of his muscles and increase his overall functionality.

September 2019 Recipients
Kristina Paterson
Kristina Paterson’s nine-year-old son, Nathan, has Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and Anxiety amongst other conditions that mean he is unable to attend school. The Paterson family received $5,000.00 to go towards funding a therapy dog that will help Nathan attend school, swimming lessons, socialise with other children and go to birthday parties. Nathan finds new situations overwhelming and often experiences sensory overload. The therapy dog will keep Nathan calm so he can approach new experiences.

September 2019 Recipients
YSAR Trust
The YSAR Trust are taking students on a weeklong alpine training exercise at Tongariro. It received $5,043.48 to help fund 10 GPS units for students to use during this event and at their weekend training sessions. YSAR Trust is an independent non-profit volunteer organisation that trains young people between the ages of 14 and 18 to develop the necessary skills to assist with community search and rescue and civil defence missions.

September 2019 Recipients
City of Auckland Singers
The City of Auckland Singers are travelling to perform at the Alta Pusteria International Choir Festival in Italy next year. It received $4,650.00 to purchase new light weight summer uniforms to keep the performers comfortable while performing in the Italian heat. City of Auckland Singers perform a wide variety of music for the community, in public concerts, retirement homes, churches, at MOTAT and in other town centres like Paeroa, Waiuku and Thames.

September 2019 Recipients
Meg Smith
Meg Smith’s nine-year-old daughter, Molly, was born with Cerebral Palsy and recently had surgery on her left arm to increase its function. The Smith family received $4,000.00 to help fund intensive therapy following her surgery, the therapy is crucial in ensuring the success of the procedure. Having more mobility will be life-changing for Molly and her family!

September 2019 Recipients
Cheryl Farthing
Cheryl Farthing’s 15-year-old son, Charlie, has Down Syndrome and a very rare genetic disorder called pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy. A complication during an emergency bowel surgery at 10 months old meant he has had to be tube fed for the majority of his life. The Farthing family received $1,610.00 to help fund Netcoaching that will help introduce Charlie to solid foods. Now a growing teenager it is important Charlie can get all the nutrients he needs; the coaching will give Charlie more freedom and integration into everyday life.

June 2019 Recipients
Tairawhiti Connext Charitable Trust
Tairawhiti Connext Charitable Trust have received $2,000.00 to purchase science resource kits as part of its House of Science programme, that works to engage children and youth of all socio-economic groups and cultures in science activities. House of Science is a community-led programme made up of innovative educational services that aim to increase the local communities scientific knowledge and provide easy access to science resources for children.

June 2019 Recipients
Rochelle Pratt
Rochelle Pratt’s daughter, Abigail, has an obsessive-compulsive disorder meaning it is very difficult for her to participate in day to day activities that others take for granted. The Pratt family received $5,000.00 from the Mazda Foundation to go towards funding for a therapy dog for Abigail, which will allow her to achieve her goals and contribute back to the community. The therapy dog, named Rosie, will enable Abigail to join family gatherings, handle food, go to school and walk with friends.

June 2019 Recipients
Nelson Surf Lifesaving Club Incorporated
Nelson Surf Lifesaving Club patrols at Tahunanui Beach and operate a search and rescue squad for fast response to emergencies in the inshore areas of Tasman Bay and estuaries. It received $6,463.50 to purchase two AED machines that will be available to the public through external lock-boxes at the Marine Rescue Centre and Tahunanui Beach Base. These boxes will be accessible 24/7 by members of NSLSC or any member of the public. Providing AED’s at these locations is another way that the Nelson Surf Lifesaving Club can support the community even when lifeguards aren’t present.

June 2019 Recipients
Creative Kids Trust Board
Creative Kids Trust is a non-profit charity that offers various arts therapies to children with differences. It received $4,105.00 to purchase new instruments, art supplies, and support materials to be used in music and art therapy sessions. Creative Kids structures weekly sessions utilising a variety of arts therapy techniques to ensure the individuals and group continues to progress towards their goals. The programmes are created around the participants who are referred to the trust from the community for physical, mental and behavioural development.

June 2019 Recipients
Nikki Wilson (on behalf of Stevie Jensen)
Stevie Jensen is a blind and deaf athlete who will be competing in the Tauranga Half Marathon and Rotorua Full Marathon and Nikki Wilson is his main running guide. Stevie received $1,458.50 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase new running gear and a fitness tracker. Stevie relies entirely on his guides for transport and gear but hopes to be an inspiration and lead the way for other blind people, showing them that being blind and deaf does not stop you from living a healthy and full life.

June 2019 Recipients
Rotorua Community Hospice Trust
Rotorua Community Hospice provides 24/7 care and support for anyone with a life-limiting condition or a terminal illness, so that they can be cared for in their home. It received $4,167.00 to purchase three new oxygen concentrators for patients to loan and use in at home. The oxygen concentrators will reduce its patients pain and anxiety, and increase their comfort, which is a vital part of the Rotorua Community Hospice Trust’s service.

June 2019 Recipients
Natasha Lydiard
Natasha Lydiard’s nine-month-old baby, Harry, has faced multiple life-threatening episodes where he has stopped breathing, meaning that he must have oxygen with him wherever he goes. The Lydiard family received $3,064.50 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase an Airvo Humidification System that will allow Harry to leave the house safely. Harry’s family are determined that with the Airvo system, he will be able to participate and engage in the day-to-day activities he would have otherwise missed out on.

June 2019 Recipients
Blue Light Ventures Incorporated
Blue Light Ventures Incorporated, in partnership with TV Fishing celebrity and Blue Light Patron, Graeme Sinclair, run twelve Kids Gone Fishin’ events around New Zealand each year, which provide opportunities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to experience fishing. It received $4,460.40 to purchase fishing handlines and fishing tackle for the disadvantaged youth and their whanau who attend these events. Blue Light hope to increase the numbers present at each event and to provide for those who would not be able to fund this fishing gear themselves.

June 2019 Recipients
Nikki Anderson
Nikki Anderson’s nine-year-old daughter, Roxy, has multiple pterygium syndrome which is a physical disability that restricts her from riding a bike with her peers. The Anderson family received $5,500.00 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase a modified recumbent trike for Roxy. Multiple pterygium syndrome can result in problems with movement and often means the person is not able to fully extend their arms or legs.

June 2019 Recipients
Wellington Municipal Croquet Club
Wellington Municipal Croquet Club wants to promote the game of croquet in a fair, spirited, friendly and competitive manner to all ages. It received $1,000.00 to purchase 6 sets of croquet balls so that it can continue to teach, coach and encourage people of all ages at the sporting club. Wellington Municipal Croquet Club is one of the oldest clubs in New Zealand and currently more than 10% of its players are nationally ranked.

June 2019 Recipients
Boyle Village Conservation Group
Boyle Village Conservation Group will be rebaiting its Goodnature traps in October 2019, as part of its involvement in regenerating birdlife in the Boyle Village area, near Lewis Pass in North Canterbury. It received $2,161.07 to refresh the bait and gas cannisters in its trapping network to ensure year-round predator control in the native forest. The Boyle Village Conservation Group are a charitable organisation committed to improving the ecology and native birdlife in the area by maintaining a large predator trapping network across the native beech forest.

June 2019 Recipients
Lemonwood Grove School
Lemonwood Grove School opened in 2017 and hope to provide an environment full of possibilities where its students connect and ideas flow in challenging, collaborative and creative ways. It received $3,400.00 to purchase a defibrillator for the school; it will not only be available to the school but also the wider community of Faringdon. This defibrillator will provide Lemonwood Grove School and the community with peace of mind that the device is available should it be needed.

June 2019 Recipients
Christchurch Group NZ Riding for the Disabled Association
Christchurch Group NZ Riding for the Disabled Association offer horse riding to children or adults whose disability limits their quality of life. It received $4,000.00 to purchase a new horse called Millie for its riding programme. The Christchurch RDA are currently in short supply of horses, so the addition of Millie means the association will be able to continue offering its facilities and training to children and adults with disabilities.

June 2019 Recipients
Cat Rescue Christchurch Charitable Trust
Cat Rescue Christchurch is the only organisation of its kind being a no-kill cat rescue that focuses on helping unsocialised cats through the humane trap, neuter, re-home method. It received $1,729.90 to purchase an air conditioning unit and extractor fan for its shelter where, after rescuing and de-sexing stray cats and kittens, they are housed before being rehomed where possible. The unit and extractor fan will provide the Cat Rescue Christchurch Charitable Trust with a much warmer space for their intake of kittens in winter; leading to healthier kittens and adoption into homes by the community.

June 2019 Recipients
Recreate NZ
Recreate NZ provides programmes across Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Christchurch for young people with disabilities. It received $2,836.45 to purchase a trailer for its Christchurch youth workers, so they can continue to cart essential gear, food and equipment to their youth programmes every week. Recreate NZ offer a wide range of youth development programmes where participants can expect to develop their cognitive, physical, emotional, work and life skills.

June 2019 Recipients
CCS Disability Action Waikato Inc
CCS Disability Action Waikato Incorporated offer a broad range of support services for disabled people, family and whanau, including a toy library. It received $1,400.00 to purchase Zippit bags, a weighted cushion, shoulder wrap and three special toys to specifically benefit children with disabilities. Through the ability to share play experiences with their siblings, a stronger bond will be formed with the children with disabilities and their families.

June 2019 Recipients
Otorohanga Riding for the Disabled Assoc Inc
Otorohanga Riding for the Disabled Association teach equestrian skills that are transferable into rehabilitation and training in aspects of daily living. It received $1,000.00 to purchase a saddle that will allow the riders to develop, increase and improve their physical abilities. Otorohanga Riding believe that horse-riding, and interaction with horses, motivates people to achieve independence and personal goals.

June 2019 Recipients
Dawn Warrender
Dawn Warrender’s four-year-old son, Isaac, was diagnosed at 6-months-old with microcephaly, a vision impairment and a significant global developmental delay. He has since been further diagnosed with epilepsy, neutropenia, lymphopenia and dystonia, which all stem from an undiagnosed neurological condition. The Warrender family have received $2,630.00 from Mazda Foundation to purchase a gravity chair which, in the tilt position, uses a person’s body weight to keep them secure and stable. The gravity chair will provide Isaac with much needed rest and recovery from both his dystonic movements and his seizure activity.

June 2019 Recipients
Waikato Equitherapy Incorporated
Waikato Equitherapy Incorporated provide horse riding programmes for therapy, education, sport and recreation to children and adults with special needs in a family friendly and supportive environment. It received $3,407.00 to purchase new helmets and stirrup leathers for its riders, new rugs for some of their horses as well as new halters, leads, girths and saddle cloths. Waikato Equitherapy work to create a place where both riders and volunteers can gain confidence in their own abilities and form strong friendships in an accepting environment.

June 2019 Recipients
Hamilton North School
Hamilton North School caters for students with special needs from ages five to 21. It received $1,341.90 to purchase specific standing slings that are required for most wheelchair users to be able to access their supportive trikes. Many of the students are unable to stand or walk so the standing slings will ensure that all junior school students can enjoy the school’s supportive trikes.

June 2019 Recipients
Red Leap Theatre Charitable Trust Board
Red Leap Theatre Charitable Trust tour nationally, have an extensive world-class education programme and make theatre productions about New Zealand stories. The production in development this year is Janet Frame’s Owls Do Cry. It received $3,884.79 to purchase sound equipment for rehearsals, performances, and workshops at its transformative theatre experiences, where women are at the centre. Red Leap creates original visual theatre that pushes creative boundaries and supports women’s stories and talents. The purchase of their own sound equipment would enable them to devote resources to reaching more New Zealanders.

June 2019 Recipients
Emma Lovett
Emma Lovett’s four-year-old son, Reid, has Cerebral Palsy, which affects his legs and ability to walk unaided. The Lovett family received $5,000.00 from the Mazda Foundation to go towards ongoing funding for a selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery to be done at the St Louis Children’s Hospital in the USA. After the surgery, Reid will undergo intensive therapy before starting school, in order to give him the best chance at normal movement so that he can participate as much as possible in mainstream education.

June 2019 Recipients
Howick Sea Scout Group
Howick Sea Scout Group specialise in teaching youth how to sail, row, kayak and other on water activities. It received $3,130.22 to purchase new hiking tents for its Scout Group, allowing the group to go hiking and tramping more often, using tents that are reliable, lightweight and durable. As members of the National Scouting Association of New Zealand, Howick Sea Scouts strive to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people and provide an enjoyable progressive training programme.

June 2019 Recipients
Eenie Sanders-Swabey
Kerry Sanders’ 9-year-old daughter, Eenie, is an accomplished equestrian and competes despite having Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC), a condition that affects her arms, legs, feet and fingers. The Sanders family received $2,300.00 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase a custom horse-riding saddle that can be altered to support her specific body shape. Horse riding is Eenie’s sport and her passion, and she is determined to continue to improve her riding skills.

June 2019 Recipients
Young Mariners of New Zealand
Akarana Young Mariners is empowering young women through fun, yet safe, learning and development opportunities to grow confidence in sailing, rowing, kayaking and lifesaving, as well as camping skills. It received $7,597.00 to purchase a new safety boat that will allow them to continue on-water education within their Young Mariners Unit. Akarana Young Mariners is a youth training group for girls and young women aged 9-18 that provides an enjoyable and challenging programme based outdoors and on the water.

June 2019 Recipients
Heart Kids New Zealand Incorporated
Heart Kids New Zealand Incorporated provide medic bracelets to those born with Congenital Heart Defect (CHD), with a goal to improve the lives of Kiwis living with childhood heart defects. It received $1,100.00 to purchase 20 medic alert bracelets for heart babies, children or teens in need of one. By providing medic alert bracelets, Heart Kids NZ is helping families both emotionally and practically by giving them a sense of relief, knowing that if there is a cardiac event, the details of their child’s condition, or necessary medications, are readily available to emergency services.

June 2019 Recipients
Big Buddy Mentoring Trust
Big Buddy Mentoring Trust are setting up an office in South Auckland at Vector Wero Whitewater, where it knows there is a high need for its services. The Trust recruit men to volunteer as long-term mentors for young males aged between 7-14 years old who do not have a father or a significant male role model in their lives. Through the Big Buddy programme, the young boys are guided into adulthood by their “buddies” who lead by example and show them what it means to be a good man. It received $2,848.00 to purchase a laptop, peripherals and a mobile phone so that its mentor co-ordinator can embedded themselves in the community. Big Buddy plan to have the mentor co-ordinator working in the new base by September 2019. His target will be to match 20 boys in South Auckland with a volunteer mentor each year.

June 2019 Recipients
Ellana Stubbs
Ellana Stubbs’ eight-year-old son, Boston, was born with a brain bleed and has endured many hospital visits including seven operations. Boston has Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Audio Processing Disorder, Anxiety, Developmental Coordination Disorder and Dyslexia. The Stubbs family received $4,000.00 from the Mazda Foundation to place a deposit on a therapy dog that will help manage Boston’s anxiety, meltdowns and help to ease his frustrations. Boston responds well to animals and builds strong bonds with them. Boston’s family believe a therapy dog will be very beneficial in easing his stress and anxieties.

June 2019 Recipients
Surf Life Saving Northern Region Incorporated
Surf Life Saving Northern Region works to protect the regions communities in the water, on beaches and along the coastlines. It received $2,087.00 to purchase 20 rescue tubes, which are required for its fleet of five rescue boats as part of the minimum operational rescue equipment. Surf Life Saving also use these rescue tubes at their lifeguard schools to teach adequate and practical safety knowledge.

June 2019 Recipients
Houghton’s Bush Presbyterian Camp Charitable Trust
Houghton’s Bush Presbyterian Camp Charitable Trust help provide affordable outdoor and residential camping experiences for school and community groups who can’t afford to hire externals companies to organise their camp activities. It received $1,949.84 to purchase new sports equipment for their camp programme.

June 2019 Recipients
Whakaaro Tahi Community Trust
The Whakaaro Tahi Community Trust works to build essential personal and general life-skills to empower community members, particularly young disadvantaged people from rural or isolated areas, through music. It received $3,064.50 to purchase four violins, two cellos and a double bass for its orchestral programme for students in the Far North. Whakaaro Tahi will be incorporating these instruments into their ensemble programmes for term 3 and their Christmas in the Park performance in December.

June 2019 Recipients
Kaitaia and District Age Concern Regional Council Inc
The Kaitaia and District Age Concern Regional Council are taking a group of elderly people from the Far North to attend the Opera-tunity Daytime Concert Series in Whangarei. It received $498.09 to hire a van and cover the fuel cost, allowing the attendees to get out into the community and enjoy some music, arts and culture. Kaitaia and District Age Concern supports the needs of older people in the Far North by offering advice and information, advocacy and hosting social events to encourage social connections and interaction.

March 2019 Recipients
Siti Mardhiah
Siti Mardhiah has received a $5,747 grant from the Mazda Foundation to purchase a modified trike for her 6-year-old son, Ali, who has Arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis means the joints in the body become permanently fixed in a bent position. As a result of his condition Ali is unable to participate in many activities with his family and friends. As many of Ali’s joints are fused all aspects of the trike will be modified to allow him to ride it independently and actively take part in family and community events.

March 2019 Recipients
Michelle McMutry
Michelle McMutry received a $5,000 contribution towards scoliosis treatment and a new brace for her eight-year-old daughter, Caitlin, who has a severe spinal deformity. As part of her treatment, Caitlin visits a scoliosis care clinic in LA every three months. The grant will help cover the cost of travel, accommodation and treatment costs.

March 2019 Recipients
Asthma New Zealand
Asthma New Zealand received $1,074 to purchase new tables and chairs to be used by the community at its meetings and workshops. The workshops aim to equip Kiwis with asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with the tools to manage their condition effectively.

March 2019 Recipients
Creative Capital Arts Trust
Creative Capital Arts Trust was established in 2011 to facilitate the delivery of key arts events and create a reliable resource for the emerging arts sector in Wellington. It has received $2,000 to produce branded t-shirts for its volunteers to wear at the Fringe Festival and Cupa Dupa 2019.

March 2019 Recipients
Riding for the Disabled Wellington
Riding for the Disabled Wellington has received $5,000 to purchase two new therapy horses. Riding for the Disabled is a charity that provides goal-based riding activities to increase the ability, strength and confidence of people with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges.

March 2019 Recipients
Martin Faulkner
March 2019 Recipients

March 2019 Recipients
Jadie de Smit
Jadie de Smit received a $2,178 grant to help pay for her to attend Outward Bound this year. After going through some tough times, Jadie is hoping the course will help her find purpose in her life, develop self-confidence and allow her to give back to the community. Outward Bound aims to help people realise their full potential through outdoor challenges and activities.

March 2019 Recipients
Waikato Community Hospice Trust
The Waikato Community Hospice Trust has received a $2,578 grant from the Mazda Foundation to purchase two oxygen concentrators for its Hospice Community Care Rural Team servicing the Waikato area. The Oxygen Concentrators allow patients independence at home or while travelling.

March 2019 Recipients
Hamilton Group Riding for the Disabled
Hamilton Group Riding for the Disabled provide horse riding programmes for children and adults with physical and intellectual challenges. These programmes help participants develop increased ability, independence and self-esteem. The group is building a new training, teaching and therapy assessment classroom at its facility in Pukete and has received $4,340.25 to install kitchen cabinets.

March 2019 Recipients
Youth Encounter Ministries Trust
The Youth Encounter Ministries Trust received $3,280.04 to purchase an additional dirt bike for its Dirt Bike Encounter programme. The Trust is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to empower marginalised rangatahi (young people) through dirt bike riding as a form of therapy. The extra bike will allow the Trust to increase the intake size of the six-week courses it runs throughout the year.

March 2019 Recipients
Maungatautari Ecological Trust
The Maungatautari Ecological Trusts mission is to restore a healthy diversity of indigenous plants and wildlife on Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain for the benefit of all. It received $3,611 to purchase all-weather jackets for the passionate rangers and field team who work on over 10,000 acres of bush and farmland near Lake Karapiro.

March 2019 Recipients
Lachlan Islip
The Islip family received $11,280 to purchase a spa pool for their son, Lachlan, who has Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy. Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder characterised by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. Lachlan often experiences a significant level of pain that interferes with his and his family’s sleep. The spa pool will provide relief from the pain Lachlan lives with by relaxing his muscles and reducing his level of discomfort.

March 2019 Recipients
Affinity Gymnastics Academy
Affinity Gymnastics Academy is a community focused gymnastics club established to serve the Selwyn district of Canterbury, New Zealand. The Academy is passionate about the sport and encourages members of its community to give it a go and prides themselves on making their experience a safe, exhilarating and enjoyable one. It has received $4,118.54 from the Mazda Foundation to purchase two new crash mats to allow the Academy to cater to more participants.

March 2019 Recipients
Delta Community Support Trust
Delta Community Support Trust received $970.73 to purchase and install a car seat and restraint anchor points in its van. The Trust offers a free transport service to people attending its ESOL programme and international playgroup. The car seat will allow Delta to transport a wider group of people who wish to attend its programmes with young children.

March 2019 Recipients
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand
The Epilepsy Association of New Zealand helps and supports the 48,000 Kiwis living with epilepsy, and their families. It has received $9,560 to develop and print informative pamphlets that will be distributed in communities throughout NZ to raise awareness about the condition.

March 2019 Recipients
Taumarunui Squash Rackets Club
Taumarunui Squash Rackets Club received $2,311.60 to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and wall box. It is a small rural club that is very competitive in the Waikato Interclub competitions. Having an AED on the premised will improve the safety of any members and visitors in need of immediate assistance.

March 2019 Recipients
Whakamarama School
Whakamarama School received $945.05 to purchase carpentry tools to support teaching and learning through play. The children will develop many skills from these tools including hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness and problem solving.

March 2019 Recipients
Live for More Charitable Trust
Live for More Charitable Trust received $5,000 to purchase surf boards, wet suits and other surfing equipment for its Tai Wātea surf therapy programme. Live for More uses surf therapy to engage rangatahi (young people), build healthy relationships with them and empower them to create a better future for themselves.

March 2019 Recipients
Hamilton North School
Hamilton North School caters for students with special needs from 5 to 21 years of age. It received $398 to purchase a therapy stool for its Senior School Specialists Learning Centre Class 5-6, comprised of students with significant learning and physical disabilities. Most of the students in this class are wheelchair bound, and so the stool will provide them with a change of position while also having active therapeutic benefits such as stretching the hips and strengthening the core.

March 2019 Recipients
Anderson Bay
Anderson Bay received $1,500 to purchase and install an awning to keep children dry while playing outside. The school takes every opportunity teach children in the natural environment where they can learn about the world and its challenges. The awning will provide the school with a sheltered area to put on their jackets and gumboots before they play outside.

March 2019 Recipients
Bellevue School (Newlands)
Bellevue School (Newlands) received $3,976 towards covering the cost of transporting its students to swimming lessons by bus. The school believes that every child should learn to swim, so the whole school takes part in bi-annual swimming lessons at the local pool, equipping students with the skills to stay safe in and around the water.

March 2019 Recipients
Goldfields School
Goldfields School in Paeroa provides special needs education for students aged five to 21. In recent years it has seen a spike in the number of students with sensory needs such as those on the Autism Spectrum. It has received $3,277.50 to purchase a sensory seating system that will settle students by surrounding the body and simultaneously increasing stimulation of the senses. The seating system will be used in the school’s sensory suite which has both light and dark rooms. Research shows that multi-sensory environments can develop or re-activate senses, increase brain function and induce calmness.

March 2019 Recipients
Lake Taupo Hospice Trust
Lake Taupo Hospice Trust received $1,534 to purchase a lawn mower and utility cart to continue the maintenance of its Hospice’s garden. Patients often walk through the garden to reflect or sit and take in the view of Lake Taupo, as well as by the wider community for various events. The lawnmower and utility cart will be a greatly appreciated by the volunteers who devote their time to maintaining the gardens for all to enjoy.

March 2019 Recipients
Laingholm Primary
Laingholm Primary has introduced a bike programme to teach its students to ride bikes safely and with confidence. The school received $4,399 to purchase 15 bikes and helmets so that children who don’t have bikes of their own can still participate in the programme. The school hopes the programme will encourage students to utilise biking as a mode of transport that is beneficial to both their health and the environment.

March 2019 Recipients
Central North Island Kindergarten Trust – Fordlands Kindergarten
The Central North Island Kindergarten Trust has received $2,051 to replace the carpet under its kai table at Fordlands Kindergarten with vinyl flooring. The kindergarten enjoys shared meal times, but the current carpet flooring is difficult to clean after the children have finished eating which had become unhygienic. The new hard flooring will be easier to clean and allow the area to be fully utilised.

March 2019 Recipients
Central North Island Kindergarten Trust – Ngātea Kindergarten
The Central North Island Kindergarten Trust has received $2,000 to purchase outdoor wooden art easels and new water troughs for Ngātea Kindergarten. Where possible, Ngātea Kindergarten combines nature and play, and its new outdoor play equipment will help stimulate a love for outdoors in its children.

March 2019 Recipients
Awakeri Playcentre
Awakeri Playcentre received $2,992 to purchase new play equipment including animal finger puppets and Maori performing arts costumes. The Playcentre is a parent co-op organisation that provides early childhood education for children aged 0-6. It believes that dramatic play helps children make sense of the world and engages their imagination and creativity. The Playcentre actively promotes te reo Māori and Tikanga Māori, and these new resources will further its mission to increase awareness of Maori culture.

March 2019 Recipients
Sowers Trust
Sowers Trust works alongside young people and their families in East Auckland and parts of South Auckland to empower and mentor them through difficult life situations. The trust runs varied programmes that help youth develop life skills, build self-esteem, understand and manage their emotions and discover their own potential, as well as provide support for the whole family. As many of the families Sowers works with have little to no income, members of the community often donate food. Sowers received $1,339 to purchase a freezer to store frozen meals and other food that is donated.

March 2019 Recipients
Stacey Gerritsen
Stacey Gerritsen received $4,470 to purchase a specialised recumbent bike for her daughter. Megan Gerritsen has a rare metabolic condition called Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type 1a that affects her overall development. Megan normally relies on either a wheelchair or walking frame to get around. Not only will the bike help to develop Megan’s strength and mobility, it will also allow her to go biking with her friends and give her increased independence.

March 2019 Recipients
Manukorihi Intermediate School
Manukorihi Intermediate School received $3,311 to purchase ottomans in a variety of fun shapes and colours for its library. The school believes that by making the library an exciting, vibrant place it will encourage students to read more and reconnect with books while also creating a space for them to socialise and engage with their peers.

March 2019 Recipients
Manawahe Eco Trust
The Manawahe Eco Trust was formed to manage and enhance the biodiversity between Lake Rotoma and the sea at Matata, home to threatened species including bats, the New Zealand falcon, and the iconic kokako. The Trust works to lessen these threats and received $3,740 to purchase 10 cameras to monitor its progress managing predators in the Manawahe Ecological Corridor.

March 2019 Recipients
Monique Cherrington
Monique Cherrington’s seven-year-old son, Kiarn, was born with Spina Bifada. He can walk and even run short distances with the support of orthotic splints, but it puts a huge strain on his muscles. The Cherrington family received $6,995 from the Mazda Foundation for a spa pool that will help to relax his muscles at the end of the day, providing him with pain relief and allowing him to participate in more activities with the family.

March 2019 Recipients
Beach Haven Scout Group
Beach Haven Scout Group on Auckland’s North Shore are taking a troop of 36 scouts and seven leaders to the National Jamboree in December. It received $1,023 to purchase a water heater and hand wash stations for Jamboree, ensuring the health and hygiene of everyone at the event. Every year SCOUTS New Zealand gives over 16,000 young people the opportunity to enjoy new adventures, experience the outdoors, interact with others, and gain the confidence to reach their full potential.