At Mazda we’re on a mission to build a more sustainable future and enrich the lives of eveyone. To do that we have to constantly ask ourselves, what are we doing right now to preserve the planet and accelerate our industry forward.

In 2007 we launched Sustainable Zoom-Zoom.  A long-term global vision for Mazda which looks to improve existing technology, and develop more efficient vehicles to reduce carbon emissions.  This has evolved to a Life Cycle Assessment or Well-to-Wheel approach, where we look at all aspects of the environmental impact of our operation to reduce the carbon footprint - from energy resources and manufacturing to how a vehicle is disposed of. in 2021 we built on that philosophy, by embracing the next generation of technologies with our new MX-30 Hybrid and EV range.

Locally we’re also working hard to reverse the impact of climate change with the Trees That Count programme, as well as educating the next generation of kiwi drivers about conservation and the importance of protecting the environment. It’s about reducing our carbon footprint, and having a positive effect on the planet where people and cars can co-exist sustainably.

As a company we’re seeking out new opportunities every day and rolling up our sleeves to make a difference, it’s a journey we started almost 2 decades ago. And we’ve only just begun.




Trees are nature’s miracle workers. With every leaf actively reversing the impact of climate change simply by taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, storing the carbon and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Since 2004 we’ve recognised the vital role trees play in preservation. 

Which is why in 2018 we partnered with Trees That Count.  With every new Mazda sold we fund 5 trees into the native environment.  To date we have funded over 125,000 native trees, assisting Trees That Count in their goal to help New Zealanders plant millions more.

Learn more about Trees That Count HERE


We’re also working hands-on with kiwi schools through TREEmendous.

A programme we developed in 2007 with Project Crimson to inspire the next generation of little eco-warriors about the importance of conservation and caring for nature.

Whether it’s one tree or 100,000 we understand that every tree counts.  Which is why we’re funding native trees to demonstrate our commitment to making a difference to the planet and building a better, more sustainable future.


Learn more about TREEmendous HERE



Skyactiv-X is a revolutionary combustion engine that heralds a new era in eco-conscious motoring.

This ground-breaking technology welcomes cleaner engine performance by combining the advantage of petrol and diesel engines to achieve a powerfully sustainable drive.

The engine itself cleverly employs a combustion method that the motoring industry has been trying to master for over 20 years - providing a super lean burn that improves engine efficiency while delivering unprecedented engine response.  Creating fewer emissions overall whilst maintaining the supreme performance Mazda drivers have come to expect. 

Introduced to the Mazda range in October 2020, the Skyactiv-X engine is the best of two worlds, playing a vital role for the next generation of drivers and leading the way in terms of the environment and existing engine design.  For those with an eye on the future, working to reduce their own carbon footprint it’s a drive that’s both smart and good.

Learn more about Skyactiv-X HERE