September 2020 Recipients
Churton Park School
Churton Park School provides primary education for students in years 1 to 6 in Churton Park, Wellington. The school is undergoing a substantial rebuild and because of the massive amount of building work, the school has essentially lost its gardens. It received $434 to purchase garden tools and equipment for tamariki to use for a garden restoration project and during class activities in the garden.

September 2020 Recipients
Homes of Hope Charitable Trust
The Homes of Hope Charitable Trust provides a place for trauma experienced children to stay and prevent brothers and sisters from being separated, for as long as they need. The trust has received $1,861 towards planting and growing an edible and colourful garden. It hopes the garden will teach and empower the tamariki about their kai, sustainable food, and their environment.

September 2020 Recipients
Matuku Reserve Trust Board
The Matuku Reserve Trust Board is a non-profit community organisation that care for the wetlands in the Waitakere and runs a restoration and education centre for the community. The trust received $1,258 towards funding a solar powered water irrigation system for the volunteer-run plant nursery that nurtures plants before they are planted in the wetland.

September 2020 Recipients
Nga Rangatahi Toa
Through immersive and intensive programmes Nga Rangatahi Toa use creative arts and wellbeing programmes to help connect rangatahi with their purpose and to imagine a positive future for themselves. It received $4,522 to purchase musical instruments to engage vulnerable Maori and Pasifika young people in projects that combine creative exploration with youth development strategies.

September 2020 Recipients
The Home and Family Society Incorporated
Home and Family works to keep tamariki safe from violence, abuse and neglect through early intervention and whole-whanau initiatives. The Home and Family Society Incorporated received $799 to purchase small kitchen appliances to be used during whanau stays at its Residential Parenting Programme. The parenting programme provides 24-hour staffed accommodation for parents and their children. Referrals are made where out of home placements for the children are being considered or where children are transitioning back into the care of their parents.

September 2020 Recipients
Greenhithe Community Trust Board
The Greenhithe Community Trust is a local organisation that promotes community development, volunteering, and sport and recreation. Greenhithe Community Trust encourages volunteers in the area to assist with events and programmes that benefit the community and local environment, especially newcomers, the elderly, young people, and families. The trust received $5,000 towards the restoration of a weed infested pond near a popular walkway, to protect the native wildlife and provide a connecting point for the community.

September 2020 Recipients
PEPTALK Media provides mental wellness education to teachers, parents, children, and young people. Through events, products, and its magazine, it aims to make knowledge, tools, and strategies to build wellbeing, accessible to all. It received $3,400 funding towards the design, printing, and distribution of the next edition of its mental wellness magazine.

September 2020 Recipients
Graeme Dingle Foundation Canterbury
The Graeme Dingle Foundation received $1,800 towards funding comprehensive First Aid training for eight members of Kiwi Can – the foundations life skills programme designed for primary and intermediate school students aged 5-12. The Graeme Dingle Foundation provides these programmes to communities in Canterbury with high levels of social deprivation to deliver life changing opportunities for young people.

September 2020 Recipients
Malvern Scouts Group
The Malvern Scouts Group trains and empowers young people from all backgrounds through adventure experiences. Malvern Scout Group believe that young people develop best when they are learning by doing, when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves. It received $1,521 to purchase compliant life jackets so that the local Scout group can participate in the annual Kontiki raft race, which they often compete and do very well in.

September 2020 Recipients
Rachelle Mitchell
Rachelle Mitchell’s five-year-old son Dekken has a rare syndrome called Praser Willi Syndrome which causes low muscle tone, a very low metabolism that affects his ability to burn fat, and cognitive delays. The Mitchell family have received $8,866 towards a recumbent trike for Dekken, which will enable him to stay active and lose weight; something he has been bullied about at school.

September 2020 Recipients
Nick Tolmay
Nick Tolmay, from Stepping Stone Trust, has received $3,727 to purchase art supplies to be used during art classes in an adult recovery programme. Stepping Stone Trust is an independent mental health provider that delivers residential respite services, community support visiting programmes, and service for families where the parents have a significant mental illness. Nick hopes that equipping the learners with the tools for creative expression will make an important contribution to their mental health and wellbeing.

September 2020 Recipients
Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club
Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club educates and trains young people and adults to become skilled and qualified lifeguards to cover volunteer patrols on local beaches. It received $930 to purchase 20 new body boards to replace their current boards that are too old to repair, which will be used during a Junior Lifesavers Nippers Program at the club.

September 2020 Recipients
Punavai O Le Gagana Samoa Trust
The Punavai O Le Gagana Samoa Trust is the only Early Learning Centre providing a totally Samoan immersed early childhood education experience for the Samoan community in Hastings and Flaxmere. The centre comprises mainly of low socio-economic, new or first generation immigrants wanting better opportunities for their children and family. It received $4,765 to purchase 15 baby car seats for the centre-operated van, which is used to transport the children to and from the centre if the family is not able to.

September 2020 Recipients
Stoke Toy Library Society Incorporated
Stoke Toy Library Society Incorporated has received $1,521 to purchase puzzles, books, bilingual colour blocks and number blocks to support Te Reo Māori and tikanga. The Stoke Toy Library provides low cost memberships which allow parents to access toys to bring home to their children and promote learning through play. Through the purchase of these toys they hope to support learning about Māori culture and language for young children.

September 2020 Recipients
Motueka Group Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated
The Motueka Group Riding for the Disabled Association provides therapeutic horse riding for children and adults (18 months to 20 years) within the Tasman community who struggle with physical, intellectual, and emotional challenges. It received $1,811 to purchase 24 riding helmets of various sizes that comply with helmet safety standards.

September 2020 Recipients
Okato Playcentre
Okato Playcentre is a parent-led early childhood education centre for tamariki aged 0-6 years. The centre is run co-operatively by parents, caregivers and whanau who attend sessions with their children and provide them with quality learning experiences through play. It received $499 to purchase a toddler ramp to add to the collection of play equipment and enable the centre to change the play structures around more frequently to offer more varied play opportunities.

September 2020 Recipients
Stratford Parents Centre Incorporated
The Stratford Parents Centre Incorporated received $901 to purchase a wooden bridge for a sensory path, a set of outdoor flower blackboards and a fabric tunnel to improve the outdoor playground area. Stratford Parents Centre provide a number of services that are needed in our community to enrich and support families during the first five years of a child’s life, including fully funded childbirth education, twice weekly playgroups, parent education courses, parenting support networks and volunteering. The centre hopes that by upgrading the outdoor playground, they will grow the number of members attending playgroups and childbirth education courses and have a positive outcome for the community.

September 2020 Recipients
The Sailability Northland Trust
The Sailability Northland Trust provides free sailing lessons in specialised yachts to disabled residents of Northland. Sailability provides opportunities for physically disabled young people and adults to learn to sail or just experience being on a sailing boat through tuition and its ‘Have a Go’ days. It received $1,600 to purchase boat covers for its two specialised yachts, so that they stay well maintained and the coaches can continue providing the best opportunity for disabled people to take part.

September 2020 Recipients
Ohakune Carrot Adventure Park
The Mazda Carrot Car at the Ohakune Carrot Adventure Park is getting a makeover! The well-known tourist attraction in the Manawatu-Wanganui region includes walks, a playground, various vegetable statues, and the famous Ohakune carrot. The Ohakune Mazda Carrot Car is the most popular attraction in the Carrot Park, with thousands of photos taken annually of children and adults posing with it. The park received $3,300 towards getting the carrot car refurbished and repainted so visitors to the park can continue to enjoy it.

September 2020 Recipients
Tyler Pennycook
Emma McComb’s four-year-old son Tyler suffered a stroke when he was born which has caused part of his brain to be permanently damaged and the right side of his body weakened. The McComb family received $2,243 towards a customised trike for Tyler so he can enjoy riding and develop and strengthen his weak side.

September 2020 Recipients
Bulls Toy Library Incorporated
Bulls Toy Library Incorporated received $1,963 to purchase a range of Te Reo Māori cultural resources and toys for members to use with their children. They hope that the toys will enhance the children’s cultural play, learning, acceptance, understanding and positive self-identity. The Bulls Toy Library is a volunteer run charity, providing a toy lending service the local community and provides membership options that are affordable for as many families as possible to join.

September 2020 Recipients
Stewart Island/Rakiura Community and Environment Trust
The Stewart Island/Rakiura Community and Environment Trust is a non-profit organisation that focuses on ecological restoration in the Stewart Island/Rakiura area, through control of pests and weeds. It received $7,000 funding towards upgrading a live capture feral cat trapping network with remote monitoring equipment, so that the organisation can protect more natural habitat with less labour.

September 2020 Recipients
Tokomairiro Early Learning Centre Incorporated
Tokamairiro Early Learning Centre is a full day early childhood centre that aims to provide a high-quality education and care facility for children aged 0-6 years in the Tokomairiro district. It received $1,900 to purchase a range of new play equipment for the children at the centre to develop essential skills, including a jumping and exercising mat, a magnetic polydron exploration set, coloured blocks, and a hammer and nail play set.

September 2020 Recipients
Central North Island Kindergarten Trust
Central North Island Kindergarten received $1,060 to purchase suitable wet weather gear and gumboots for tamariki to use on excursions. The community-funded kindergarten aims to have enough wet weather gear accessible for all children so that they can engage in outdoor play and enhance katiakitanga, care for the gardens and natural spaces no matter the weather. The kindergarten embeds Te Tiriti o Waitangi within the learning and teaching programme by encouraging outdoor play.

September 2020 Recipients
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust is a charity set up to represent the mana whenua, landowners surrounding Maungatautari, and the wider community in managing the ecological restoration of Maungatautari. It received $1,350 to purchase a microscope to be used for in-house diagnostic testing for birds and reptiles.

September 2020 Recipients
Caryn Hunt
Caryn Hunt’s five-year-old granddaughter was diagnosed only a year ago with a rare genetic disorder called Rett Syndrome which causes a loss of spoken language and motor skills, as well as behavioural and neurological problems. Caryn’s family received $6,898 funding towards a Delta All Terrain Buggy for her granddaughter to use, so that she can continue biking and taking walks with her family in the nearby forests which is her favourite thing to do.

June 2020 Recipients
Waiheke Primary School
Waiheke Primary School received $2,000 funding towards setting up a Garden to Table project, including purchasing high-quality tools and equipment. The project will teach students how to grow and prepare food, minimise waste, understand where food comes from and the environmental impact of producing it.

June 2020 Recipients
Kim Bailey
Kim Bailey is a Constable in Dunedin that works as a Youth Aid Officer for the New Zealand Police. She received $1,500 funding to purchase shoes and gear that will allow a disadvantaged young person to take an arborist course at Otago Polytechnic. Kim hopes the course will help him turn his life around and eventually become a successful member of society.

June 2020 Recipients
The Operating Theatre Trust
The Operating Theatre Trust aims to make top-quality New Zealand theatre accessible to all children and young people, inspiring in them a love of performing arts. It received $4,415.75 towards the creation of a high-quality film of ‘Greedy Cat’ by Joy Cowley, to help children experience the book in a new way.

June 2020 Recipients
Turua Playcentre
Turua Playcentre is unlike any other early childhood education organisation as both children and their parents and caregivers are welcome to attend. Including parents in the experience brings different skills, interests, and cultural backgrounds to the rich learning environment. It received $700 funding towards running a basic first aid course workshop for five parents to meet NZQA standards.

June 2020 Recipients
A Girl Called Hope
A Girl Called Hope provides a holistic residential life development programme for young women – giving them support, care and life-development training as they struggle with challenges including anxiety, depression, self-harm and eating disorders. It has received $1,695.60 funding towards a First Aid training course for 15 staff members and residents.

June 2020 Recipients
Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Jones, from Christchurch, has received $5,000 towards a therapy dog for her three-year-old son, Charlie. Charlie has recently been diagnosed with Autism and struggles with social interactions and communication. Jennifer hopes the therapy dog will help him feel more confident in social situations, allowing him to participate in activities with his family and in the community.

June 2020 Recipients
Wairarapa College SLC
Wairarapa College received $603.75 to enable eight students in the Supported Learning Centre to participate in Duke of Edinburgh programme. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a non-competitive, internationally recognised programme designed to encourage young people to develop positive skills and lifestyle habits. Wairarapa College’s Supported Learning Centre aims to encourage and provide learning opportunities for high needs students to help them live as independently as possible.

June 2020 Recipients
Tauranga Regional Free Kindergarten Association Incorporated
Arataki Kindergarten is building a tool shed for children, parents, and teachers to work together on small building, maintenance, and garden projects. It received $708.34 to purchase a solar panel kit to power the workshop. The kindergarten hopes the workshop will be a place where dads and grandads will feel at home and be able to get involved.

June 2020 Recipients
Whangamata Community Services Trust
The Whangamata Community Services Trust is a one stop social service organisation providing whanau support, social work, domestic violence intervention and counselling among other services in the community. It has received $782.61 to purchase a fridge/freezer for its foodbank.

June 2020 Recipients
Auckland Sexual Abuse Help Foundation Charitable Trust
HELP provides support for sexual abuse survivors including crisis support, therapy, and Justice Services. HELP has received $4,221.44 towards We Can Keep Safe, a personal safety and sexual abuse prevention programme for three to five-year olds. We Can Keep Safe teaches children about identifying feelings, asserting ownership of their bodies, how to name body parts and how to talk to someone they trust. The grant will allow the programme to be provided at two early childhood education centres.

June 2020 Recipients
Taranaki Toy Library Trust Incorporated
The Taranaki Toy Library is a non-profit community organisation that has more than 1,500 toys for hire to provide young children with learning through play experiences. It received $2,021.55 to purchase Te Reo Māori and Sign Language toys to help increase children’s exposure to Te Reo and Sign Language words.

June 2020 Recipients
Graeme Dingle Foundation Southland
Graeme Dingle Foundation use elements of the great outdoors, inspirational classroom leaders and world-class mentors to help kids, from age 5 to 18, keep on track, develop confidence, build resilience and self-belief, set goals for the future, and contribute positively to society. Graeme Dingle Foundation Southland delivers these programmes to bring positive changes to the lives of young people at the bottom of the South Island. It received $978.26 funding towards comprehensive First Aid training for the five members who run Kiwi Can, a values and life skills programme designed for primary and intermediate school students aged 5-12.

June 2020 Recipients
Andersons Bay Community Kindergarten Inc
Andersons Bay Community Kindergarten is a community-based early childcare education centre in Dunedin. It received $871.26 to purchase two planter boxes and super garden mix to expand its vegetable gardens. The children plant and grow fruit and vegetables to encourage sensory learning in the garden, healthy eating, responsibility, and organisation skills.

June 2020 Recipients
Christchurch Group N.Z. Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated
Christchurch Riding for the Disabled uses horse riding as a form of therapy for people with disabilities. RDA riding opportunities focus on education, rehabilitation, sport, and recreation. The goal-based riding activities increase the ability, strength, and confidence of people with physical, intellectual, emotional, and social challenges. It received $550 towards dental care for five horses.

June 2020 Recipients
Adventure Specialties Trust
The Adventure Specialties Trust received $2,465 to purchase 24 paddle jackets for its Adventure Therapy Programme. Adventure Therapy supports disadvantaged young people in a fun and effective way by combining outdoor experiences such as kayaking, rafting, working in a group and being outside in nature, with therapeutic framework. The programme has been proven to help participants develop positive relationships, increase resilience, and learn social and emotional skills. The goal of Adventure Therapy is to help participants be in a better place to make wiser life decisions.

March 2020 Recipients
Waikato Community Hospice Trust
The Waikato Community Hospice Trust received $698 to purchase two nebulisers for its in-patient unit as part of its palliative care. A nebuliser is a device used to administer medication in the form of a mist that is easily inhaled into the lungs.

March 2020 Recipients
Briana Scanlon
Briana was born with Kabuki Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affects her visual processing and hypotonia. As a result, Briana has struggled with her confidence and has developed social anxiety. Briana received $4,500 towards a therapy dog that will recognise when she is feeling anxious and help her navigate public spaces safely.

March 2020 Recipients
Heather Larnder
Heather’s three-year-old nephew, Luke, has cerebral palsy which affects his ability to move. The Larnder family received $2,595.65 to purchase a specialised trike that will allow Luke to ride alongside his twin brother on his bike.

March 2020 Recipients
Rachel Coffin
Rachel’s son Latham has multiple disabilities which mean he is confined to a wheelchair. The Coffin family received $5,379 to purchase an adult buggy that will enable Latham to joi

March 2020 Recipients
The Helping Paws Charitable Trust
The Helping Paws Charitable Trust provides an Animal Rescue Centre and Sanctuary for the community in the Northern Auckland and Kaipara regions as they are over an hour away from the closest SPCA. The trust has received $1,823.65 to purchase kitten food, helping them keep the kittens in their care healthy until they find their forever homes.

March 2020 Recipients
Asher Dickson
Sylvia Dickson’s 17-year-old daughter Asher has Autism and Auditory Processing Disorder. The Dickson family have received $5,000 to help fund a therapy dog which will help ease the discomfort and anxiety that Asher faces during various activities.

March 2020 Recipients
West Coast Riding for the Disabled Association
The West Coast Riding for the Disabled Association provides therapeutic horse riding for those with disabilities. The association has received $2,787.01 to help fund the construction of a mounting ramp for riders’ safety and accessibility.

March 2020 Recipients
Dee Caswell
Dee Caswell and the teachers at Rachel Reynolds Kindergarten aim to provide excellent early childhood care for children at Dunedin Kindergartens. A big part of that is ensuring their children have diverse play options. The kindergarten has received $368.78 to purchase a rainwater collecting tank for children to use for play and to water the gardens.

March 2020 Recipients
Aphasia New Zealand Charitable Trust
The Aphasia New Zealand Charitable Trust provides support services, resources, information and education to people with aphasia, a language impairment acquired from stroke, brain injury, brain tumour or PPA (Primary Progressive Aphasia). The trust has received $1,490 to purchase an iPad that will be leant out to people suffering with aphasia to aid in their recovery.

March 2020 Recipients
Ashley Highnam
Ashley Highnam’s eight-year-old daughter Tara has severe Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder and Global Developmental Delay. The Highnam family have received $2,500 towards funding for a therapy dog for Tara, which will enable her to attend community events, school full time and help with episodes related to her condition.

March 2020 Recipients
Adventure Specialties Trust
The Adventure Specialties Trust provides outdoor education and adventure therapy, for disadvantaged and ‘at risk’ sectors across NZ. The trust has received $1,900 to purchase 20 sets of rock-climbing boots to be used during the outdoor education and adventure therapy services.

March 2020 Recipients
Ellesmere Scout Group
The Ellesmere Scout Group works to empower youth from the rural township of Leeston and outlying farming districts, through outdoor adventure experiences. The Ellesmere Scout Group has received $3,839.98 to purchase eight life jackets and two new tents to replace old ones and meet a recent influx of new members.

March 2020 Recipients
Good Night, Sleep Tight Charitable Trust
The Good Night, Sleep Tight Charitable Trust wants to make sure that all children in Canterbury go to sleep warm each night by providing winter sleepwear and bedding to those who need it. The trust has received $4,800 to help them provide 40 children with new pyjamas, slippers, dressing gowns, winter sheets, blankets and comforters.

March 2020 Recipients
Central Plateau Enrichment Academy
The Central Plateau Enrichment Academy supports the learning of children and adults with special needs in Taupo to succeed and flourish. The Academy creates personalised programmes that cater to individual needs – providing a safe and nurturing environment for people with a range of learning challenges to learn and thrive. It has received $839.85 to purchase a Micro:Bit, a pocket-sized computer that aims to teach students how to create programmes and software.

March 2020 Recipients
The Yes And Trust
The Yes And Trust received $12,500 to purchase retractable, tiered seating for its new venue. The Trust are building its own, purpose built theatre to run its Improv School and improvised comedy shows. It aims to teach life skills such as confidence, collaboration, creativity, resilience and mindfulness to Auckland’s youth and community.

March 2020 Recipients
Adventure Specialties Trust
The Adventure Specialties Trust received $2,020 to purchase 26 water helmets for its Adventure Therapy Programme. Adventure Therapy supports disadvantaged young people in a fun and effective way by combining outdoor experiences such as white-water kayaking, surf kayaking, and white-water rafting with a therapeutic framework. The programme helps participants develop positive relationships and learn social and emotional life skills.